24VD1 D110n = 0- 100 %01Si 1Si 2E1GNDE2GNDSi 1Si 226.05.2010v_4d_umschaltung_e1_e2.vsdControllerSi 1 Signal 1Si 2 Signal 2For mode speed controller ( 1.01 ) Base setup for “E2 Analog In”: |1E| necessary.For modes controller (higher 2.01 ..) Base setup for “E2 Analog In”: |7E| necessary (as far asotherwise does not occupy). Set 1/2 or Setpoint 1/2, Function |5D|Switch over between “Set Intern1” and “Set Intern2” (for speed controller 1.01 )Contact e.g. at ditgital input “Digital In 1” (depending on device type at terminals “D1” - “D1”or “D1” -“24 V”).Controller24VD1 D110n = 40 %1n = 80 %0- - - - -- - - - -11.05.2007v_5d_vorgabe_intern_1_2.vsd211 Setting “Set Intern1” (depending on device type in: %, Hz, rpm)2 Setting “Set Intern2” (depending on device type in: %, Hz, rpm)• “D1 Inverting” = “OFF”: “Set Intern1” atopened contact / “Set Intern2” at closedcontact.• “D1 Inverting” = “ON”: “Set Intern1” atclosed contact / “Set Intern2” at openedcontact.FrequencyOperation with “Set Intern2” is signalized by the moon symbol for reduced operation.“Set extern1” under “settings” must be programmed to “OFF”.Switch over between “Setpoint1” and “Setpoint2” (for modes as controller higher 2.01 )Contact e.g. at ditgital input “Digital In 1” (depending on device type at terminals “D1” - “D1”or “D1” -“24 V”).Controller10n = 0 – 100 %- - - - -- - - - -Sensor11.05.2007v_5d_sollwert_1_2.vsd2124VD1 D11 Setting “Setpoint1”2 Setting “Setpoint2”• “D1 Inverting” = “OFF”: “Setpoint1” =18 °C at opened contact / “Setpoint2” =25 °C at closed contact.• “D1 Inverting” = “ON”: “Setpoint1” = 18°C at closed contact / “Setpoint2” = 25°C at opened contact.E1 ActualOperation with “Setpoint2” is signalized by the moon symbol for reduced operation.Operating Instructions Icontrol – model series FXDM ProgrammingL-BAL-E036-GB 1422 Index 008 Part.-No. 00154773-GB54/96