Intern / Extern Function |6D|Switch over between Set Intern and Set Extern (for mode speed controller 1.01 ). “Set extern1”under settings must be programmed to “OFF”.Contact e.g. at ditgital input “Digital In 1” (depending on device type at terminals “D1” - “D1”or “D1” -“24 V”).Controller24VD1 D110n = 40 %n = 80 %Si 40 %- - - - -E111.05.2007v_6d_vorgabe_intern_extern.vsd101Si Signal1 Setting “Set Intern1” (depending on device type in: %, Hz, rpm)• “D1 Inverting” = “OFF”: “Set Intern1” atopened contact / “Setting Extern” atclosed contact.• “D1 Inverting” = “ON”: “Set Intern1” atclosed contact / “Set Extern” at openedcontact.“Setpoint1” / “external Setpoint” (modes 2.01 )Under Base setup “E2 function” programmed to function |1E| for “external setpoint” .Contact at digital input e.g. “Digital In 1” = “D1” - “D1”Controller24VD1 D110n = 0 – 100 %- - - - -SeES E226.05.2010v_6d_sollwert1_externer_sollwert.vsd11 Setting “Setpoint1”ES External Setpoint e.g. 5 V 23.8°CSe Sensor• “D1 Inverting” = “ON”: Setting at the unitat opened contact / Signal Extern atclosed contact• “D1 Inverting” = “OFF”: Setting at theunit at closed contact / Signal Extern atopened contact9.10.2.8 Automatic control / speed manual, Function |7D| (mode 2.01 )Switch over between automatic control to set target value (depending on the activation: “Setpoint1”,“Setpoint2”) and the default for “manual operation” set at the device.If for Analog In 2 “E2 function” is programmed to |2E| switch over between “Setpoint1” or “Setpoint2”and external manual operation. With activated manual mode the display constantly changes between“actual value” and value for “manual mode”.Contact at digital input e.g. “Digital In 1”Controller24VD1 D110n = 0 -100 %1n = 80 %0- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -SeE1ES E226.05.2010v_7d_regelung_hand.vsd3211 Setting “Setpoint1”2 Setting “Setpoint2”3 Setting “Speed manual” (depending on device type in: %, Hz, rpm)EH Signal for Manual mode extern, E2 Function = |2E|Se Sensor• “D1 Inverting” = “OFF” Automaticcontrol at opened contact / manualoperation at closed contact.• “D1 Inverting” = “ON”: Automatic controlat closed contact / manual operation atopened contact. Reverse action of control function ( 2.01 ), Function |8D|Switchover between: Increasing modulation during increasing actual-value and increasing modulationduring sinking actual-value.Operating Instructions Icontrol – model series FXDM ProgrammingL-BAL-E036-GB 1422 Index 008 Part.-No. 00154773-GB55/96