9.12.9 Setting Boost valueThe boost function is an automatic voltage increase when the control system is under dynamicrequirements. When using the square characteristic curve, the output voltage is increased dispropor-tionately to the frequency during a 20% increase of the modulation. That results in more torque on themotor so the current does not increase so strongly during accelerations. Just before reaching themodulation default value, the motor voltage that corresponds to the square characteristic curve isrestored. The boost mode is only used during sufficiently large modulation increases (starting from ca.20 %).Boost ValueYou can determine the amount of voltage increase via the percentage setting. 15 %boost value increase voltage by 15 % over normal value of the square characteristiccurve.Setting range: 0...25.0 %Factory setting: 15.0 %9.12.10 Setting Quench modeIf, under certain circumstances, the modulation switches back on while the motor is still rotating fast,this can result in a re-supply of the inverter’s “overcurrent disconnection”.The quench modus is available to prevent this from happening (“quench” = synchronizing the rotatingmagnetic field generated by the frequency inverter with the momentary speed of the triggered motor).If this function is activated, the frequency inverter’s rotating magnetic-field speed is synchronized withthe motor’s field at the start of every triggering (nominal value and modulation must have been „0“beforehand). Switchover into “normal mode” is automatic after the synchronization is completed.Attention!Due to the transient motor triggering with maximum frequency at reduced output voltage necessary forthe quench mode, short-term start-up can occur in a stationary motor with low centrifugal force.The quench function can be combined with motor braking (DC brake mode). However, running bothfunctions successively increases the time span until the motor is reaccelerated. For normal use, it isrecommended to use only the quench mode.Quench modeSelection of function for Quench modeON = Ouench mode ON (factory setting)OFF = Ouench mode OFFE1 ActualActive Quench mode is signaled by a bright triangle in the display.Operating Instructions Icontrol – model series FXDM ProgrammingL-BAL-E036-GB 1422 Index 008 Part.-No. 00154773-GB70/96