a) 'Appliance' means any Electrolux productpurchased by you and accompanied bythis document;b) 'ASC' means Electrolux' authorisedserviced centres;c) 'Zanussi' is the brand controlled byElectrolux (NZ) Limited ("Electrolux") of 3-5Niall Burgess Road, Mount Wellington, inrespect of Appliances purchased in NewZealand;d) 'Warranty Period' means the periodspecified in clause3 of this warranty;e) 'you' means the purchaser of the Appliancenot having purchased the Appliance for re-sale, and 'your' has a correspondingmeaning.2. Application: This warranty only applies to newAppliances, purchased and used in NewZealand and is in addition to (and does notexclude, restrict, or modify in any way) otherrights and remedies under a law to which theAppliances or services relate, including anynon-excludable statutory guarantees in NewZealand.3. Warranty Period: Subject to these terms andconditions, this warranty continues for a periodof 24 months in New Zealand, following thedate of original purchase of the Appliance.4. Repair or replace warranty: During theWarranty Period, Electrolux or its ASC will, atno extra charge if your Appliance is readilyaccessible for service, without specialequipment and subject to these terms andconditions, repair or replace any parts which itconsiders to be defective. Electrolux may, in itsabsolute discretion, choose whether theremedy offered for a valid warranty claim isrepair or replacement. Electrolux or its ASCmay use refurbished parts to repair yourAppliance. You agree that any replacedAppliances or parts become the property ofElectrolux.5. Travel and transportation costs: Subject toclause 7, Electrolux will bear the reasonablecost of transportation, travel and delivery of theAppliance to and from Electrolux or its ASC.Travel and transportation will be arranged byElectrolux as part of any valid warranty claim.6. Proof of purchase is required before you canmake a claim under this warranty.7. Exclusions: You may not make a claim underthis warranty unless the defect claimed is dueto faulty or defective parts or workmanship.This warranty does not cover:a) light globes, batteries, filters or similarperishable parts;b) parts and Appliances not supplied byElectrolux;c) cosmetic damage which does not affectthe operation of the Appliance;d) damage to the Appliance caused by:– negligence or accident;– misuse or abuse, including failure toproperly maintain or service;– improper, negligent or faulty servicingor repair works done by anyone otherthan an Electrolux authorised repaireror ASC;– normal wear and tear;– power surges, electrical storm damageor incorrect power supply;– incomplete or improper installation;– incorrect, improper or inappropriateoperation;– insect or vermin infestation;– failure to comply with any additionalinstructions supplied with theAppliance;In addition, Electrolux is not liable under thiswarranty if:a. the Appliance has been, or Electroluxreasonably believes that the Appliance hasbeen, used for purposes other than thosefor which the Appliance was intended,including where the Appliance has beenused for any non-domestic purpose;b. the Appliance is modified without authorityfrom Electrolux in writing;c. the Appliance's serial number or warrantyseal has been removed or defaced.8. How to claim under this warranty: Toenquire about claiming under this warranty,please follow these steps:a. carefully check the operating instructions,user manual and the terms of this warranty;b. have the model and serial number of theAppliance available;c. have the proof of purchase (e.g. aninvoice)available;d. telephone the numbers shown below.9. New Zealand: Appliances and servicesprovided by Electrolux in New Zealand comewith non-excludable rights and statutoryguarantees by Electrolux pursuant to theConsumer Guarantees Act 1993. Nothing inthis warranty is intended to exclude, restrict ormodify any of those rights or guarantees. Youand Electrolux agree that if the Appliance andor the services are acquired for commercial ortrade purposes that the provisions of theConsumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply.10. Confidentiality: You accept that if you make awarranty claim, Electrolux and its agents27