Food Temperature(°C)Time (h) Shelf position1 position 2 positionsApricots 60 - 70 8 - 10 3 1 / 4Apple slices 60 - 70 6 - 8 3 1 / 4Pears 60 - 70 6 - 9 3 1 / 4True Fan + SteamCakes and pastriesFood Tempera-ture (°C)Time (min) Shelf po-sitionCommentsApple cake1) 160 60 - 80 2 In a 20 cm cake mouldTarts 175 30 - 40 2 In a 26 cm cake mouldFruit cake 160 80 - 90 2 In a 26 cm cake mouldSponge cake 160 35 - 45 2 In a 26 cm cake mouldPanettone1) 150 - 160 70 - 100 2 In a 20 cm cake mouldPlum cake1) 160 40 - 50 2 In a bread tinSmall cakes 150 - 160 25 - 30 3 (2 and 4) In a baking trayBiscuits 150 20 - 35 3 (2 and 4) In a baking traySweet buns1) 180 - 200 12 - 20 2 In a baking trayBrioches1) 180 15 - 20 3 (2 and 4) In a baking tray1) Preheat the oven for 10 minutes.Bread and pizzaFood Quantity (g) Tempera-ture (°C)Time (min) Shelf posi-tionCommentsWhite bread1) 1000 180 - 190 45 - 60 2 1 - 2 pieces,500 g for eachpieceRolls1) 500 190 - 210 20 - 30 2 (2 and 4) 6 - 8 rolls in abaking trayPizza1) - 200 - 220 20 - 30 2 In a baking tray1) Preheat the oven for 10 21