2 Assembly and installationBU 0135 en-4118 332.1.2 Wall mountingAs an alternative to wall mounting, the device can also be installed close to the motor using anoptional wall-mounting kit.Wall mounting kit SK TI4-WMK-… (…1-K, …2-K, …1-NSD, 2-NSD)This wall-mounting kit provides a simple method for installing the device close to the motor.The SK TIE4-WMK-1-K and …2-K versions are made of plastic. They are equally suitable for IP55 andIP66 devices.The SK TIE4-WMK-1-NSD and ...2-NSD versions consist of stainless steel and elements which areprovided with a special NSD tupH surface treatment. These versions are intended for IP69K devices.Any installation position is permissible with wall mounting, taking the electrical data into consideration.Size ofdevice Wall mounting kit Housing dimensions Mountingdimensions Total WeightApprox. [kg]g2 n p p2 d e ∅Size 1 SK TIE4-WMK-1-K113 221 154 205 64 180 5.52.2Part. No. 275 274 004SK TIE4-WMK-1-NSD 2.6Part. No. 275 274 014Size 2 SK TIE4-WMK-2-K115 221 154 235 74 210 5.52.5Part. No. 275 274 015SK TIE4-WMK-2-NSD 2.9In preparationAll dimensions in [mm]