NORDAC START (SK 135E / SK 175E) – Users Manual for Motor Starters64 BU 0135 en-41184.2.2.1 ParametrisationThe use of a control and parametrisation unit (SK CSX-3H / SK PAR-3H) or the NORDCON softwareis required to adapt the parameters. The most important parameters are shown in the following,depending on the setting of parameter P130:Parameter group Parameter numbers Functions CommentsBasic parameters P102 … P103 Start-up and shut-down time Factory setting:Value of potentiometer P4P108 Switch-off mode Factory setting:Value of DIP switch S1-DIP3/4P130 Parameter sourceP130=0 Potentiometer/SwitchP130=1 Flash memoryP130=0 (Factory setting):Potentiometers (P1-P4) andDIP switch (S1) effectiveP130=1:Parameter settings effectiveMotor data P203 Rated motor current Factory setting:Value of P1P210 Start voltage Factory setting:Value of potentiometer P3Control terminals P420, P434 Digital inputs and outputs Factory setting:See description ofparameter(s)AdditionalparametersP570 Locking time Factory setting:Value of potentiometer P2Table 10: Parameters and functions depending on P130