5 ParameterBU 0135 en-4118 955.2.6 InformationP700 Current operating status RDDisplay range 0.0 … 25.4Arrays [-01] = Current error Current active error message (not acknowledged)[-02] = Current warning Current existing warning[-03] = Reason for switch-onblock Current existing reason for an active switch-on blockDescription Display of current messages about operating statusDisplay values Section 6 "Operating status messages"P707 Software version RDDisplay range 0.0 … 9999.0Arrays [-01] = Software version Version number (e.g.: V1.0)[-02] = Software revision Revision number (e.g.: R1)[-03] = Special version Special version of the hardware/software (e.g: 0.0). The value "0"stands for "Standard Version".Description Display of software version (firmware version) of deviceP708 Status of digital in. RDDisplay range 0000 0000 … 0111 1111 (bin) 0000 … 007F (hex)Description Display of switching status of the digital inputsDisplay values Value (Bit) Meaning0 Digital input 1 Switching status of digital input 11 Switch input 2 Switching status of digital input 22 PTC resistor input PTC resistor input switching status3 Bus In Bit 0 Bus In signal status In bit 0 (SK 175E-… only)4 Bus In Bit 1 Bus In signal status In bit 1 (SK 175E-… only)5 Bus In Bit 2 Bus In signal status In bit 2 (SK 175E-… only)6 Bus In Bit 3 Bus In signal status In bit 3 (SK 175E-… only)P709 Potentiometer status RDDisplay range 0.0 … 100.0 %Arrays [-01] = Potentiometer P1 Current value in % of 9.5 A (BG1) or 23,5 A (BG2)[-02] = Potentiometer P2 Current value in % of 25.6 s[-03] = Potentiometer P3 Current value in % of 100% start voltage[-04] = Potentiometer P4 Current value in % of 25.6 sDescription Display of set values of potentiometer P1 … P4, in relation to the respective scale endvalues (in %)P711 Digital output status RDDisplay range 0000 … 0111 (bin) 00 … 07 (hex)Description Display of switching status of the digital inputsDisplay values Value (Bit) Meaning0 Dig.1/Bus. bit 0 Switching status of digital output 1 or Bus Out Bit 1 1)1 Dig.2/Bus. bit 1 Switching status of digital output 2 or Bus Out Bit 2 1)2 Mechanical b. Switching status of mechanical brake output1) Bus Out Bit only for devices SK 175E-….The display for DOUT and Bus Out are "or"-ed when doing this.