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IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS manuals

High Performance Storage System HPSS first page preview

High Performance Storage System HPSS

Brand: IBM | Category: Software
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Chapter 1. HPSS 7.1 Configuration Overview
  12. Initial HPSS Startup Roadmap (All Sites)
  13. Additional Configuration Roadmap (All Sites)
  14. storage classes
  15. Operational Checklists
  16. Performance Checklist
  17. Chapter 2. Security and System Access
  18. Security Mechanisms
  19. LDAP
  20. HPSS Server Security ACLs
  21. SSM User Security
  22. Configuring/Updating a Location Policy
  23. Deleting a Location Policy
  24. Restricted Users Window
  25. field descriptions
  26. Chapter 3. Using SSM
  27. Labeling the System Manager RPC Program Number
  28. Quick Startup of hpssgui
  29. Configuration and Startup of hpssgui and hpssadm
  30. Configuring the System Manager Authentication for SSM Clients
  31. SSM User Authorization
  32. User Keytabs (For Use with hpssadm Only)
  33. Keytabs for Kerberos Authentication: hpss_krb5_keytab
  34. SSM Configuration File
  35. Table 2. HPSSGUI Specific Options
  36. login.conf
  37. HPSS Management Guide November
  38. Automatic SSM Client Packaging and Installation
  39. Using SSM Through a Firewall
  40. Solutions for Operating Through a Firewall
  41. Multiple SSM Sessions
  42. Common Window Elements
  43. Help Menu Overview
  44. Monitor, Operations and Configure Menus Overview
  45. Operations Menu
  46. Configure Menu
  47. SSM Specific Windows
  48. About HPSS
  49. SM Server Connection Status Indicator
  50. HPSS Status
  51. HPSS Statistics
  52. Menu Tree
  53. SSM Information Windows
  54. User Session Information Window
  55. SSM List Preferences
  56. Chapter 4. Global & Subsystem Configuration
  57. Storage Subsystems
  58. Creating a New Storage Subsystem
  59. Create Storage Subsystem Metadata
  60. Create Storage Subsystem Servers
  61. Migration and Purge Policy Overrides
  62. Chapter 5. HPSS Servers
  63. Server Configuration
  64. Common Server Configuration
  65. Execution Controls
  66. Interface Controls
  67. Audit Policy
  68. Log Policy
  69. Core Server Specific Configuration
  70. Additional Core Server Configuration
  71. Gatekeeper Specific Configuration
  72. Location Server Additional Configuration
  73. Log Client Specific Configuration
  74. Log Daemon Specific Configuration
  75. Mover Specific Configuration
  76. Table 4. Mover TCP Pathname Options
  77. Additional Mover Configuration
  78. The Mover Encryption Key Files
  79. var/hpss/etc Files Required for Remote Mover
  80. Table 1. IRIX System Parameters
  81. Setting Up Remote Movers with mkhpss
  82. Physical Volume Repository (PVR) Specific Configuration
  83. Operator PVR Specific Configuration Window
  84. PVR Specific Configuration
  85. PVR Additional Information
  86. AML PVR Specific Configuration
  87. AML PVR Additional Information
  88. LTO PVR Specific Configuration
  89. LTO PVR Additional Information
  90. STK PVR Specific Configuration Window
  91. STK PVR Additional Information
  92. Deleting a Server Configuration
  93. Basic Server Information
  94. Specific Server Information
  95. Gatekeeper Information Window
  96. Location Server Information Window
  97. Migration/Purge Server Information Window
  98. Physical Volume Library (PVL) Information Window
  99. Physical Volume Repository (PVR) Information Windows
  100. PVR Information Window
  101. AML PVR Information Window
  102. LTO PVR Information Window
  103. SCSI PVR Information Window
  104. STK PVR Information Window
  105. Real-Time Monitoring (RTM)
  106. RTM Summary List
  107. RTM Detail
  108. Starting HPSS
  109. Starting SSM
  110. Automatic Server Restart
  111. Shutting Down All HPSS Servers
  112. Shutting Down the Startup Daemon
  113. Reinitializing a Server
  114. Forcing an SSM Connection
  115. Chapter 6. Storage Configuration
  116. Disk Storage Class Configuration
  117. Tape Storage Class Configuration
  118. transfer rate
  119. Storage Class Subsystem Thresholds
  120. Tape Storage Subsystem-Specific Thresholds
  121. Changing a Storage Class Definition
  122. Deleting a Storage Class Definition
  123. Storage Hierarchy Configuration Window
  124. Changing a Storage Hierarchy Definition
  125. Classes of Service
  126. Class of Service Configuration Window
  127. Changing a Class of Service Definition
  128. Deleting a Class of Service Definition
  129. Changing a File's Class of Service
  130. Migration Policy Configuration
  131. Tape Migration Policy Configuration
  132. Changing a Migration Policy
  133. Purge Policies
  134. Purge Policy Configuration
  135. Changing a Purge Policy
  136. Deleting a Purge Policy
  137. File Family Configuration
  138. Chapter 7. Device and Drive Management
  139. Table 2. Recommended Settings for Tape Devices
  140. Devices and Drives Window
  141. Enable Variable Block Sizes for Tape Devices
  142. Deleting a Drive's Configuration
  143. Monitoring Devices and Drives
  144. operational notes
  145. PVL Drive Information Window
  146. Drive Pools
  147. Tape Drive Configuration
  148. Changing Device and Drive State
  149. Repairing the State of a Device or Drive
  150. Chapter 8. Volume and Storage Management
  151. Import Tape Volumes Window
  152. Selecting Import Type for Tape Cartridges
  153. Import Disk Volumes Window
  154. Selecting Import Type for Disk Volumes
  155. Create Tape Resources Window
  156. Create Disk Resources Window
  157. Removing Storage Space
  158. Rules for Deleting Resources
  159. Exporting Volumes from HPSS
  160. Rules for Exporting Volumes
  161. Monitoring Storage Space
  162. Active Storage Classes Window
  163. MPS Disk Storage Class Information
  164. MPS Tape Storage Class Information
  165. Dealing with a Space Shortage
  166. Forcing Migration
  167. Repack Virtual Volumes Window
  168. Reclaim Virtual Volumes Window
  169. Volume Management
  170. PVL Volume Information Window
  171. PVR Cartridge Information Window
  172. Core Server Volume and Segment Windows
  173. Core Server Tape Volume Information Window
  174. Changing Core Server Volume Condition
  175. Moving PVR Cartridges to Another PVR
  176. Monitoring and Managing Volume Mounts
  177. PVL Job Queue Window
  178. related information
  179. PVL Request Information Window
  180. Canceling Queued PVL Requests
  181. Tape Mount Requests Window
  182. Administrative Tape Dismounts
  183. Chapter 9. Logging and Status
  184. Log Policies
  185. Logging Policies Window
  186. Logging Policy Configuration Window
  187. Changing a Log Policy
  188. Deleting a Log Policy
  189. Viewing the Central Log (Delogging)
  190. Managing Local Logging
  191. Configuring Local Logging Options
  192. Alarm/Event Information
  193. Diagnosing HPSS Problems with Alarms and Events
  194. Controlling Log Messages Displayed by hpssgui and hpssadm
  195. Chapter 10. Filesets and Junctions
  196. Creating an HPSS Fileset
  197. Managing Existing Filesets
  198. Deleting Filesets
  199. Creating a Junction
  200. Deleting a Junction
  201. Chapter 11. Files, Directories and Objects by SOID
  202. File/Directory Information Window
  203. Objects by SOID Window
  204. Chapter 12. Tape Aggregation
  205. Chapter 13. User Accounts and Accounting
  206. Add a UNIX User ID
  207. Add a Kerberos User ID
  208. Add an SSM User ID
  209. Listing HPSS Users
  210. Accounting
  211. Accounting Reports and Status
  212. Interpreting the Accounting Report
  213. Accounting Procedures
  214. Site Defined Accounting Configuration Files and Procedures
  215. Site Defined Account Apportionment Table
  216. Accounting Intervals and Charges
  217. Chapter 14. User Interfaces
  218. FTP/PFTP Daemon Configuration
  219. Table 5. Banner Keywords
  220. HPSS VFS Interface Configuration
  221. Supported Linux Versions
  222. Compiling/Building
  223. Client API – Pre-Requisite
  224. Other System Configuration Details
  225. Mounting VFS Filesystems
  226. Mount Options
  227. Un-mounting an HPSS Filesystem
  228. Additional VFS Notes
  229. Chapter 15. Backup and Recovery
  230. Overview of the DB2 Backup Process
  231. Configuring DB2 for Online Backup
  232. Overview of the DB2 Recovery Process
  233. Operating System Backup
  234. Recover Partially Damaged Disk or Tape Volume
  235. Without Secondary Copies
  236. Cleanup Totally Damaged Disk or Tape
  237. DB2 Monitoring
  238. DMS Table Spaces
  239. Chapter 16. Management Tools
  240. System Management
  241. User Interfaces
  242. Appendix B. References
  243. Appendix C. Developer Acknowledgments
High Performance Storage System HPSS first page preview

High Performance Storage System HPSS

Brand: IBM | Category: Software
Table of contents
  1. installation guide
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Chapter 1. Release 6.2
  13. Additional hpssadm operations
  14. Drive Pools
  15. Mover Enhancement
  16. DMAP Gateway Changes
  17. Viewing DMAP Gateway XDSM Fileset Information
  18. SSM Changes
  19. Changes Affecting Sites Upgrading from 5.1
  20. Chapter 2. HPSS Basics
  21. Based on Standard Components
  22. HPSS Components
  23. HPSS Files, Filesets, Volumes, Storage Segments and Related Metadata
  24. HPSS Servers
  25. HPSS Storage Subsystems
  26. HPSS User Interfaces
  27. HPSS Policy Modules
  28. HPSS Hardware Platforms
  29. Mover Platforms
  30. HPSS Installation Guide July
  31. Chapter 3. HPSS Planning
  32. HPSS Configuration Planning
  33. Purchasing Hardware and Software
  34. HPSS Operational Planning
  35. Requirements and Intended Uses for HPSS
  36. Duplicate File Policy
  37. High Availability Option
  38. LDAP and IBM Kerberos
  39. Linux Requirements
  40. Solaris Requirements
  41. Hardware Considerations
  42. IBM 3494
  43. Multiple Media Support
  44. Table 3. Cartridge/Drive Affinity Table
  45. Disk Devices
  46. Special Bid Considerations
  47. HPSS User Storage Space
  48. Figure 5. Basic HPSS Metadata & Filesystem Allocation
  49. HPSS Filesystems
  50. var/hpss/adm/core
  51. db2/backups/subsys1 & subsysX
  52. HPSS Metadata Space
  53. DB2 Disk Space
  54. System Memory and Disk Space
  55. Client API
  56. Parallel FTP
  57. Core Server
  58. Figure 6. The Relationship of Various Server Data Structures
  59. Migration/Purge Server
  60. Gatekeeper
  61. Location Server
  62. STK PVR
  63. AML PVR
  64. Mover
  65. IRIX
  66. Performance
  67. Startup Daemon
  68. Migration Policy
  69. Migration Policy for Tape
  70. Accounting Policy and Validation
  71. Security Policy
  72. Security Audit
  73. Table 5. Gatekeeping Call Parameters
  74. Storage Characteristics Considerations
  75. Storage Class
  76. Media Block Size Selection
  77. Blocks Between Tape Marks Selection (tape only)
  78. Minimum Storage Segment Size Selection (disk only)
  79. Maximum VVs to Write (tape only)
  80. Disk Media Parameters
  81. Table 7. Suggested Block Sizes for Tape
  82. Storage Hierarchy
  83. Class of Service
  84. Selecting Optimum Access Size
  85. Selecting Transfer Rate
  86. Bypassing Potential Bottlenecks
  87. FTP/PFTP
  88. Logging
  89. HPSS VFS Interface
  90. HPSS Metadata Backup Considerations
  91. Chapter 4. System Preparation
  92. Setup Filesystems
  93. HPSS Filesystem
  94. Verify Tape Drives
  95. Solaris
  96. Linux
  97. Setup Network Parameters
  98. Table 8. Network Options
  99. HPSS.conf Configuration File
  100. SP/x Switch Device Buffer Driver Buffer Pools
  101. Chapter 5. HPSS Installation and Infrastructure Configuration
  102. Create Owner Account for HPSS Files
  103. Install Prerequisite Software
  104. Install Prerequisite Software for XFS HDM
  105. Install HPSS/DB2 and Configure HPSS Infrastructure
  106. Install HPSS Documentation and DB2 Software
  107. Set Up DB2 Permanent License
  108. Configure HPSS Security Services
  109. Configure Kerberos Authentication and UNIX Authorization
  110. Configure Kerberos Authentication and LDAP Authorization
  111. Configure DB2 Services
  112. Remote DB2 Client Access & Fileset Creation/Deletion
  113. Configure Other Services
  114. Create Configuration Bundle
  115. Install and Configure HPSS – Secondary Subsystem Machine
  116. Install HPSS Documentation and DB2 Software on a subsystem
  117. Install Configuration Bundle
  118. Install and Configure HPSS – Mover/Client Machine
  119. Create /var/hpss subdirectories
  120. HPSS Documentation & Manual Page Setup
  121. Manual Page Setup
  122. Install and Build HPSS Source Code
  123. Generate and Bind the DB2 Helper Program
  124. Construct and Build the HPSS Mover/Client Source Tree
  125. Construct and Build the HPSS HDM Source Tree
  126. Chapter 6. Upgrading to HPSS Release 6.2
  127. Metadata changes in HPSS 6.2
  128. Upgrade Requirements and Limitations
  129. Authentication Mechanisms
  130. New HPSS 6.2 System Files
  131. Running Time for the Long Running Metadata Conversion Utilities (for 4.5 upgrades only
  132. DB2 Configuration and Tuning (for 4.5 upgrades only)
  133. Overview of the Upgrade Utilities
  134. HPSS 4.5 Upgrade Utilities
  135. HPSS 5.1 Upgrade Utilities
  136. Verify Prerequisites
  137. Install Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms
  138. Install or Upgrade DB2
  139. Upgrade AIX
  140. Install HPSS 6.2 Distribution Image
  141. Disable Binaries, temporarily
  142. Setup Authentication and Authorization
  143. Pre-Conversion System Check
  144. Take a full backup of SFS or DB2
  145. Convert Configuration Metadata
  146. Run the Long Running Utilities
  147. Create Core Server ACLs
  148. Terminate the Scripting Session
  149. Verify HPSS 4.5 Conversion Results
  150. Run db_convert_ns_check
  151. Terminate Scripting Session
  152. Enable DB2 Backup
  153. Prepare the 6.2 System
  154. Tune DB2 for normal operations
  155. Create SSM User Ids
  156. Create Location Server Endpoints
  157. Invoke the SSM System Manager, Startup Daemon and prerequisite software
  158. Update HPSS Configurations
  159. Dump Accounting Metadata, if applicable
  160. Start HPSS 6.2 Servers
  161. Clean Up After a 4.5 to 6.2 Upgrade
  162. Revert the HPSS 6.2 System to Version 5.1
  163. Metadata Conversion Troubleshooting Procedures
  164. db_config_convert, db_subsys_convert, and db_lr_convert Errors and Warnings
  165. HPSS 5.1 to 6.2 Conversion Utility Errors
  166. hpss_init_server_acls Errors
  167. Examples of HPSS 4.5 Conversion Utility Output
  168. db_subsys_convert Output
  169. Long Running Conversion Utilities Output
  170. Appendix B. References
  171. Appendix C. Developer Acknowledgments
  172. Appendix D. HPSS.conf Configuration File
  173. D.2. PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza
  174. D.3. Multinode Table Stanza
  175. D.4. Network Option Stanza
  176. Table 15. Network Options Stanza Fields
  177. D.5. PFTP Daemon Stanza
  178. D.6. Transfer Agent Stanza
  179. D.7. Stanzas Reserved for Future Use
  180. Appendix E. hpss_env_defs.h
  181. HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0)
High Performance Storage System HPSS first page preview

High Performance Storage System HPSS

Brand: IBM | Category: Software
Table of contents
  1. installation guide
  2. Release 4.5, Revision
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. List of Figures
  12. List of Tables
  13. Preface
  14. Chapter 1 HPSS Basics
  15. High Data Transfer Rate
  16. Storage Subsystems
  17. HPSS Files, Filesets, Volumes, Storage Segments and Related Metadata
  18. HPSS Core Servers
  19. HPSS Storage Subsystems
  20. HPSS Infrastructure
  21. HPSS User Interfaces
  22. HPSS Management Interface
  23. HPSS Hardware Platforms
  24. Server and Mover Platforms
  25. Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
  26. Purchasing Hardware and Software
  27. HPSS Operational Planning
  28. HPSS Deployment Planning
  29. Required Throughputs
  30. Security
  31. Availability
  32. Prerequisite Summary for AIX
  33. Prerequisite Summary for Solaris
  34. Prerequisite Summary for Linux and Intel
  35. Hardware Considerations
  36. Tape Robots
  37. Tape Devices
  38. Disk Devices
  39. HPSS Interface Considerations
  40. Parallel FTP
  41. MPI-IO API
  42. HPSS Server Considerations
  43. Disk Storage Server
  44. Migration/Purge Server
  45. Gatekeeper
  46. Location Server
  47. Mover
  48. Logging Service
  49. Startup Daemon
  50. Storage System Management
  51. Non-DCE Client Gateway
  52. Migration Policy
  53. migration policy for tape
  54. Purge Policy
  55. Accounting Policy and Validation
  56. Security Policy
  57. Logging Policy
  58. Gatekeeping
  59. Storage Characteristics Considerations
  60. Storage Class
  61. Storage Hierarchy
  62. Class of Service
  63. File Families
  64. HPSS Storage Space
  65. disk storage server metadata
  66. tape storage server metadata
  67. metadata constraints
  68. System Memory and Disk Space
  69. HPSS Performance Considerations
  70. Encina
  71. Bypassing Potential Bottlenecks
  72. FTP/PFTP
  73. Client API
  74. Logging
  75. Cross Cell
  76. HPSS Metadata Backup Considerations
  77. Rules for Backing Up SFS Log Volume and MRA Files
  78. Miscellaneous Rules for Backing Up HPSS Metadata
  79. Chapter 3 System Preparation
  80. Setup Filesystems
  81. HPSS
  82. Solaris
  83. Setup for HPSS Metadata Backup
  84. Setup Disk Drives
  85. Linux
  86. Solaris & IRIX
  87. SP/x Switch Device Buffer Driver Buffer Pools
  88. Introduction
  89. Installing Java
  90. Setting up the Client Authorization File
  91. Setting up the hpssadm Keytab File
  92. Securing the Data Server and Client Host Machines
  93. Background Information
  94. Setup Linux Environment for XFS
  95. Create the DMAPI Device
  96. Verify System Readiness
  97. Chapter 4 HPSS Installation
  98. Installation Roadmap
  99. Create Owner Account for HPSS Files
  100. Solaris Installation
  101. IRIX Installation
  102. Remake HPSS
  103. Set Up Sammi License Key
  104. Overview
  105. hpss_env.default
  106. hpss_env_defs.h
  107. Bitfile Server
  108. Configuration
  109. Using the mkhpss Utility
  110. Manage SFS Files
  111. Start Up SSM Servers/User Session
  112. Un-configure HPSS
  113. storage policy
  114. Supported Platform/Driver/Tape Drive Combinations
  115. Environment Variables
  116. Authentication Setup
  117. The HPSS Exports File
  118. Examples
  119. Files
  120. Filesets
  121. architectural overview
  122. Configuration Files
  123. Starting the HPSS Servers
  124. Unlocking the PVL Drives
  125. Creating HPSS directories
  126. Storage Classes
  127. File Families, Filesets, and Junctions
  128. Performance
  129. Appendix A Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
  130. appendix b references
  131. Appendix B References
  132. Appendix C Developer Acknowledgments
  133. D.1 Introduction
  134. Appendix D Accounting Examples
  135. D.4 Site Accounting Table
  136. D.6 Maintaining and/or Modifying the Account Map
  137. D.8 Accounting Intervals and Charges
  138. Chapter 5 HPSS Infrastructure Configuration
  139. F.1 Using the SSM Windows
  140. Appendix F Additional SSM Information
  141. F.2 SSM On-line Help
  142. F.4 Customizing SSM and Sammi
  143. F.5 Detailed Information on Setting Up an SSM User
  144. G.1 Overview
  145. Architecture
  146. G.2 Planning
  147. G.3 System Preparation
  148. Diagram the Disk Layout
  149. Mirror Shared JFS logs
  150. Install HACMP
  151. HA HPSS Scripts
  152. crontab Considerations
  153. G.6 Monitoring and Maintenance
  154. G.7 Metadata Backup Considerations
  155. G.9 Important Information
  156. Shutdown the Cluster
  157. Verify the Cluster
  158. Move a Resource Group
  159. Index
  160. HPSS Configuration Limits
  161. NFS Daemon Configuration
  162. Table Of Contents
  163. Using SSM for HPSS Configuration
  164. File Family Configuration
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