Appendix F Additional SSM Information528 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2The About Sammi menu option opens a window which displays information about Sammi andabout Kinesix, the Sammi developer. Among other items, it shows the current version of the Sammiruntime, the host operating system and operating system version, and the hostname where Sammiis running. Again, this information can sometimes be useful in diagnosing problems.The SSM Consoles menu option, under the Monitor heading on the SSM main menu, opens theSSM Console Information window. A “console” refers to one Sammi session which has connectedto SSM. When first opened, the window shows information on the local (i.e., your) console. If otherconsoles are connected to the same SSM Data Server, you can use the “<<“ and “>>” buttons toview information on other consoles.Once a console has connected to an SSM Data Server, the Data Server continues to maintaininformation on that console in its internal console list, even after its SSM session has completelyshut itself down. Seeing an inactive console in the list which is marked “Down” and “LoggedOff” is perfectly normal. Console information is re-initialized only when the Data Server is shutdown and restarted.The window shows information such as console ID, connection state (Up or Down), last uptime anddowntime, logon state, last logged-on user, and so forth (see the window help file for details).Sometimes, a Sammi session will crash, which can generate a lot of SSM error messages and causeproblems for the remaining consoles. In such a situation, this window can be useful in trackingdown which console may be causing the problem. Many times such console problems can becleared up by restarting the crashed SSM session.F.4 Customizing SSM and SammiThis section lists a mixed bag of activities which can be performed to provide some sitecustomization of SSM and Sammi. Some of these activities may be of interest to individual users;others only to the HPSS administrator.• The file /data/timzones.dat defines time zones and thestart/end dates for daylight savings time in a particular year. It should be edited by theHPSS administrator at the beginning of each calendar year. It should also be editedimmediately after HPSS is installed, to make sure that the installed file is up to date, andthat it specifies the correct local time zone. The format of the file is explained by commentswithin the file.• The Print SSM Window menu option, under the Session heading on the SSM main menu,allows you to print a hard copy of an SSM window on a PostScript printer. Sammi uses theenvironment variable SAM2_SPOOL as the command which sends the hard copy to theprinter. The /opt/hpss/bin/start_ssm_session script defines SAM2_SPOOL as “lpr”.With the “lpr” command, output will ordinarily go to the default printer on the host whereSammi is executing. Users can direct output to a different printer by defining the PRINTERenvironment variable before running start_ssm_session.The HPSS administrator may want to edit start_ssm_session to change the print commanddefined by SAM2_SPOOL, or to add options to the “lpr” command.• The file /opt/hpss/sammi/hpss_ssm/hpss.def contains Sammi “defaults” settings forSSM. Sammi automatically loads /data/s2_defaults.def