Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration416 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2Thus if the key on the NDCG SSM screen is 0123456789ABCDEF then the key in thendcl.keyconfig file must look like the sample file shown below:0x01234567 0x89ABCDEF• Make sure you set the appropriate permissions on this file. Only users authorized to usethe Non DCE Client API should have access to this file.You can specify an alternate pathname for this file by setting theHPSS_NDCL_KEY_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.7.2.2 Environment VariablesThe following environment variables can be used to define the Non-DCE Client APIconfiguration. Do not confuse references to the Client API with references to the Non-DCE ClientAPI. When reference is made to the Client API, the document is referring to the actual Client APIcalls made by the Non-DCE Client Gateway. When reference is made to the Non-DCE ClientAPI, the document is referring to calls made directly by the Non-DCE client application.The HPSS_NDCG_NAME environment variable is used to specify the server name to be usedwhen initializing the HPSS security services. The default value is /.:/hpss/client.The HPSS_NDCG_TCP_PORT defines the default port location for the listener process of the Non-DCE Client Gateway with which the Non-DCE Client API will communicate. This value can beoverridden by appropriate entries in the HPSS_NDCG_SERVERS environment variable. Thedefault value is 8001.The HPSS_NDCG_SERVERS defines the name of the server on which the Non-DCE ClientGateway resides. Multiple servers may be separated by a colon (:). If multiple servers are specified,the NDAPI will randomly choose a listed server every time it establishes a new gatewayconnection. This way, multiple NDCGs may be configured for load-balancing. It is possible toexplicitly set the TCP port on a per server basis by following the server name with a forward slash(/) and a port number. For example, a string “hpss/8002:pluto” would define two Non-DCE ClientGateways. One (hpss) uses an explicit port number, and the other (pluto) uses the value fromHPSS_NDCG_TCP_PORT.The HPSS_LOGGING_PORT defines the port number of the Log Client on the host running theconnecting Non-DCE Client Gateway. The default value is 8101.The HPSS_LOGGING_TYPE defines the types of messages to log. It consists of a list of log types,separated by colons (:). For example “CS_ALARM:CS_STATUS” would log alarm and statusmessages. Valid log types are: CS_ALARM, CS_EVENT, CS_REQUEST, CS_SECURITY,CS_ACCOUNTING, CS_DEBUG, CS_TRACE, and CS_STATUS. The default value is“CS_ALARM: CS_EVENT:CS_REQUEST:CS_SECURITY”.The HPSS_MAX_CONN defines the number of connections that are supported by the Client APIwithin a single client process. The default is zero which is equal to the default supported by theHPSS connection management software - currently 150.The HPSS_KTAB_PATH defines the name of the file containing the DCE security keys necessaryfor successfully initializing the Client API. The default is /krb5/hpssclient.keytab.