Chapter 2 HPSS Planning42 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2If deciding to purchase Sun or SGI servers for storage purposes, note that OS limitations will onlyallow a static number of raw devices to be configured per logical unit (disk drive or disk array).Solaris currently allows only eight partitions per logical unit (one of which is used by the OS). Irixcurrently allows only sixteen partitions per logical unit. These numbers can potentially impact theutilization of a disk drive or disk array.Refer to Section 2.10: HPSS Sizing Considerations on page 105 for more information on calculatingthe number and size of raw devices that will be needed to meet your requirements.Refer to Section 2.3: Prerequisite Software Considerations on page 46 for more information on therequired software that will be needed to run HPSS.When you finally have an HPSS configuration that meets your requirements, it is then time topurchase the necessary hardware and software.2.1.3 HPSS Operational PlanningThe following planning steps must be carefully considered for the HPSS operational phase:1. Define the site policy for the HPSS users and SSM users.u Each HPSS user who uses the storage services provided by HPSS should be assignedan Accounting ID and one or more appropriate Classes of Service (COS) to store files.u Each SSM user (usually an HPSS administrator or an operator) should be assigned anappropriate SSM security level. The SSM security level defines what functions eachSSM user can perform on HPSS through SSM. Refer to Section 11.1: SSM Security onpage 275 of the HPSS Management Guide for more information on setting up thesecurity level for an SSM user.2. Define the site policy and procedure for repacking and reclaiming HPSS tape volumes. Thispolicy should consider how often to repack and reclaim HPSS volumes in the configuredtape storage classes. In addition, the policy must consider when the repack and reclaimshould be performed to minimize the impact on the HPSS normal operations. Refer toSection 3.7: Repacking HPSS Volumes on page 74 and Section 3.8: Reclaiming HPSS TapeVirtual Volumes on page 76 (both in the HPSS Management Guide) for more information.3. Define the site policy and procedure for generating the accounting reports. This policyshould consider how often an accounting report needs to be generated, how to use theaccounting information from the report to produce the desired cost accounting, andwhether the accounting reports need to be archived. Refer to Section 2.8.3: AccountingPolicy and Validation on page 85 and Section 6.6.3: Configure the Accounting Policy on page289 for more information on defining an Accounting Policy and generating accountingreports.4. Determine whether or not gatekeeping (monitoring or load-balancing) will be required. Ifso, define and write the site policy code for gatekeeping. Refer to Section 2.8.7: Gatekeepingon page 90 for more information on Gatekeeping and HPSS Programmers Reference, Volume1 for guidelines on implementing the Site Interfaces for the Gatekeeping Service.