Chapter 2 HPSS Planning144 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2• The file system used to store TRB (i.e., data volume backup) files must be mirrored on atleast two separate physical disks or be stored on a redundant RAID device.• Separate disks must be used to store the SFS data volumes versus the file system used tostore TRB files.• Separate disks must be used to store the SFS log volume versus the SFS data volumes.• A sufficient number of TRB files must be generated such that a complete backup of eachSFS data volume is made at least every 5 days (recommend using a TRB file size such thatit takes no more than 20 files to cover the entire data volume).• TRB files must be copied to tape as soon as they are generated.• TRB files must be copied to at least two different tapes.• A complete set of TRB files must be generated (i.e., a complete SFS data volume backup)prior to running HPSS in production mode.• A data dump (dd) of all SFS log and data volumes should be made at least once per monthwhile HPSS and SFS are not running and should be copied to at least two different tapes.2.12.3 Miscellaneous Rules for Backing Up HPSS Metadata• Once a month, a site must tell SFS to truncate old backups and retain backup informationfor at least the latest 10 complete backups.• At least one image of the tape backups must be moved offsite at a frequency that meets thesite’s disaster recovery objectives. For example, if a site always wants to be able to recoverto the previous day in case of a disaster, then tapes must be moved offsite each day.• The Encina SFS configuration information must be backed up to at least two separate tapesafter SFS is initially configured and immediately after the SFS configuration changes (i.e.,a data volume is added, deleted, or expanded). It must also be backed up at least once perweek.• The DCE servers information (e.g., the security registry and CDS name space) must bebacked up to at least two separate tapes immediately after HPSS is configured and then atleast once per week.• If configured, the HPSS PFTP configuration files must be backed up at least once per week.• If configured, the HPSS NFS configuration files must be backed up at least once per week.• HPSS must not be used to read/write tapes used to store backup files (Encina, DCE, etc.).