Chapter 1 HPSS BasicsHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 33Release 4.5, Revision 2whereby a user's access permissions to an HPSS bitfile are specified by the HPSS bitfileauthorization agent, the Name Server. These permissions are processed by the bitfile dataauthorization enforcement agent, the Bitfile Server. The integrity of the access permissionsis certified by the inclusion of a checksum that is encrypted using the security context keyshared between the HPSS Name Server and Bitfile Server.• Logging. A logging infrastructure component in HPSS provides an audit trail of serverevents. Logged data includes alarms, events, requests, security audit records, statusrecords, and trace information. Servers send log messages to a Log Client (a serverexecuting on each hardware platform containing servers that use logging). The Log Client,which may keep a temporary local copy of logged information, communicates logmessages to a central Log Daemon, which in turn maintains a central log. Depending onthe type of log message, the Log Daemon may send the message to the SSM for displaypurposes. When the central HPSS log fills, messages are sent to a secondary log file. Aconfiguration option allows the filled log to be automatically archived to HPSS. A delogfunction is provided to extract and format log records. Delog options support filtering bytime interval, record type, server, and user.• Accounting. The primary purpose of the HPSS accounting system is to provide the meansto collect information on usage in order to allow a particular site to charge its users for theuse of HPSS resources.For every account index, the storage usage information is written out to an ASCII text file.It is the responsibility of the individual site to sort and use this information for subsequentbilling based on site-specific charging policies. For more information on the HPSSaccounting policy, refer to Section HPSS User InterfacesAs indicated in Figure 1-3, HPSS provides the user with a number of transfer interfaces as discussedbelow.• File Transfer Protocol (FTP). HPSS provides an industry-standard FTP user interface.Because standard FTP is a serial interface, data sent to a user is received serially. This doesnot mean that the data within HPSS is not stored and retrieved in parallel; it simply meansthat the FTP Daemon within HPSS must consolidate its internal parallel transfers into aserial data transfer to the user. HPSS FTP performance in many cases will be limited not bythe speed of a single storage device, as in most other storage systems, but by the speed ofthe data path between the HPSS FTP Daemon and the user’s FTP client.• Network File System (NFS). The NFS server interface for HPSS provides transparent accessto HPSS name space objects and bitfile data for client systems through the NFS service. TheNFS implementation consists of an NFS Daemon and a Mount Daemon that provide accessto HPSS, plus server support functions that are not accessible to NFS clients. The HPSS NFSservice will work with any industry-standard NFS client that supports either (or both) NFSV2 and V3 protocols.• Parallel FTP (PFTP). The PFTP supports standard FTP commands plus extensions and isbuilt to optimize performance for storing and retrieving files from HPSS by allowing datato be transferred in parallel across the network media. The parallel client interfaces have asyntax similar to FTP but with some extensions to allow the user to transfer data to andfrom HPSS across parallel communication interfaces established between the FTP client