Appendix F Additional SSM InformationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 527Release 4.5, Revision 2of the popup. For potentially longer option lists, a “selection list” is used. This type usesscrollbars, if necessary, to display all the option data, and it has a “Cancel” button at the bottomof the list. You must click the “Cancel” button to dismiss this type of popup.• Popup selection lists are used in other places besides being part of option lists. This type ofpopup is gray in color, but they work the same way as the option list variety.• A “status line” field is a long non-enterable text field along the bottom of some windows.Status lines display messages which show important information about the state of thewindow, the progress of some operation started from the window, etc. In most cases, astatus line message will be erased as soon as you do something to affect the window (clicka button, type something into a field, etc.).• Each window always has one item which has “input focus”. This item is surrounded by ared highlight border. If an enterable text field has input focus, typing anything on yourkeyboard will enter characters into the field. If a button has input focus, pressing the spacebar will have the same effect as clicking the button with the mouse.• You can do Motif select/cut/paste operations on enterable text fields, but not on non-enterable fields.F.2 SSM On-line HelpEach SSM window has a help file which describes the features and fields on that window. To accessthe help for a window, position the mouse cursor to any blank spot on the window, hold down theShift key, and click the right mouse button. A help browser window will open. When finished, clickthe “DONE” button at the bottom of the help browser to dismiss it.Note that the mouse cursor must be in a blank spot when the button is clicked. If the cursor is overa button, field, or some other dynamic feature, an empty help browser will appear. This is becauseSammi thinks you are requesting help on the field, not on the window, and SSM does not includeany field-level help. The one exception is the main menu on the Health and Status window. Shift-clicking the right mouse button within this menu bar will display help for the main menu.The on-line help provides fairly detailed information on all fields, buttons, and other features ofeach window. It does not, however, provide the detailed planning information provided in thisAdministration Guide. For example, the on-line help for the Storage Class Configuration windowhas a description of each field on the window, but it does not include the overall planning adviceon how to design storage classes for the most efficient use of resources at your site.F.3 Viewing SSM Session InformationThe Show Sammi Environment menu option, under the Session heading on the SSM main menu,opens a window which shows the settings of all Sammi environment variables for the current SSMsession. This information can be useful in diagnosing Sammi problems.The View Sammi Errorlog menu option opens a window which displays the Sammi error log filefor the current SSM session. The error log display is difficult to interpret and usually not veryinformative, but it sometimes can be useful in diagnosing SSM or Sammi problems.