Chapter 2 HPSS Planning56 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision Operator Mounted DrivesAn Operator PVR is used to manage a homogeneous set of manually mounted drives. Tape mountrequests will be displayed on an SSM screen.2.4.3 Tape DevicesThe tape devices/drives supported by HPSS are listed below, along with the supported device hostattachment methods for each device.• IBM 3480, 3490, 3490E, 3590, 3590E and 3590H are supported via SCSI attachment.• IBM 3580 devices are supported via SCSI attachment.• StorageTek 9840, 9940, 9940B, RedWood (SD-3), and TimberLine (9490) are supported via sSCSI attachment. Support for STK RAIT drives is included.The STK RAIT PVR cannot be supported at this time since STK has not yet made RAITgenerally available.• Ampex DST-312 and DST-314 devices are supported via SCSI attachment.• Sony GY-8240 devices are supported via Ultra-Wide Differential SCSI attachment.For platform and driver information for these drives, see Section 6.9.2: Supported Platform/Driver/Tape Drive Combinations on page 4112.4.3.1 Multiple Media SupportHPSS supports multiple types of media for certain drives. Listed in the following table is apreference list for each media type that can be mounted on more than one drive type. When the PVLstarts, it determines the drive type that each type of media may be mounted on. It makes thesedecisions by traversing each media type’s list and using the first drive type from the list that it findsconfigured in the system. So, looking at the table, it can be determined that a single-length 3590Etape will mount on a double-length 3590E drive if and only if there are no single-length 3590Edrives configured in the system.Table 2-1 Cartridge/Drive Affinity TableCartridge Type Drive Preference ListAMPEX DST-312 AMPEX DST-312AMPEX DST-314AMPEX DST-314 AMPEX DST-314