92 CHAPTER 5: P ERFORMING ADDITIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE T ASKSThe upgrade process can take up to two minutes, and is complete whenthe Status LED has stopped flashing and is permanently off. Make surethat you do not interrupt power to the Access Point during the upgradeprocess; if you do, the software may be corrupted and the Access Pointmay not start up properly afterwards.AutomatingUpdates andConfigurationTo simplify device management, the Access Point integrates both autoupdate and auto configure features. Using auto update, you canconfigure the Access Point to automatically check an FTP server foravailable firmware updates. Auto configuration, on the other hand, letsthe Access Point to automatically copy the configuration settings ofanother compatible access point.Figure 51 Auto Config/Update ScreenAutomatingConfigurationWhen you set the Access Point to automatically copy the settings of acompatible access point, it will only copy the configuration settings.Other settings, such the IP address and operating mode (repeater orbridge mode) will not be copied.