Defining Security Profiles 41authentication. You can customize the welcome screen, or even link itto your organization’s Web site.Figure 19 UAM ScreenInternal UAM AuthenticationTo use internal UAM authentication, do following:1 Ensure that the Access Point can log on to the RADIUS server as a RADIUSclient.■ Create a RADIUS client account for the Access Point on the RADIUSserver. Use the Access Point’s IP address or name and specify the sameshared key as configured on the Access Point.■ Verify that the correct RADIUS server address, port, and shared key areconfigured on the Access Point. This information is entered either onthe Security screen or the UAM screen, depending on the securitysettings used.2 Create user accounts on the RADIUS server database, and then grantthem access to the Internet.3 Verify that the wireless security settings on the wireless stations matchthe security settings on the Access Point, including the key (if any).4 Configure the internal UAM authentication settings.a On the UAM screen, select the UAM (Universal Access Method) checkbox.b Click Internal Web-based Authentication.