Using 802.1x Without WPA 77Figure 42 Wireless Network Properties Screen4 Click OK.Windows XP configuration for 802.1x is now complete.Using 802.1xWithout WPAThe procedure for setting up 802.1x without WPA is almost the same asfor WPA-802.1x. The only difference is that on the wireless station, theThe key is provided for me automatically check box (see Figure 42) mustnot be selected. Instead, the user must manually enter a WEP key thatmatches the WEP key specified on the Access Point.To set up 802.1x, follow the procedures in “Using 802.1x” starting onpage 62, except for the difference mentioned above.On some systems, the “64 bit” WEP key is shown as “40 bit”, and the“128 bit” WEP key is shown as “104 bit”. This difference arises becausethe key entered by the user is 24 bits less than the key size used forencryption.