30 CHAPTER 2: C ONFIGURING THE CALL R ECORDS SERVICE4 Change the default value, 600 seconds (10 minutes), to suit your systemrequirements.5 Save and close the file.Accounting ServiceGroupsThe Call Records service organizes Accounting services into groups. Eachgroup can contain one or more Accounting services, but an Accountingservice can belong to only one group.For example, your VCX system could include the following components:■ The East region includes two sites (call processors) each running anAccounting service: SalesE and EngE.■ The West region includes two sites (call processors) each running anAccounting service: SalesW and EngW.In this example, you could create two Account service groups on the CallRecords service. The EastGroup includes the Accounting services SalesEand EngE. The WestGroup includes the Accounting services SalesW andEngW. Alternatively, you could create two Account service groups, Salesand Eng. Sales would include SalesE and SalesW; Eng would include EngEand EngW.Configuring anAccounting ServiceGroupEach Accounting service must be contained in a group. A group must becreated before you can add any Accounting services to the Call Recordsservice. You can configure as many groups as you want for your system,but each Accounting service can only be assigned to one group.VCX includes one Accounting service group named defaultGroup. Thisgroup, by default, contains no Accounting services and is disabled.You can either add Accounting services to the default group, or you cancreate your own group (or groups) and add Accounting services. Youcreate groups and add Accounting services by running the config.shscript on the server hosting the Call Records service.The config.sh script uses the term “Accounting Server”. In all cases, thisterm refers to the Accounting service running on a VCX call processingserver.Similarly, the script uses the term “Call Records Server”. In a single-siteVCX system, this term refers to the Call Records service running on a VCX