VCX Configuration Backup and Restore Overview 71Note that the vcx-config-restore command includes a parameter,exclude-os, that excludes the operating system information from arestore operation. If you select this option, the restore operationgenerates a warning if the system's current IP configuration does notmatch the configuration contained in the backup file. An IP mismatchwill very likely result in some or all applications not working properlybecause IP information is also stored within component configurationfiles.■ License keys — The configuration backup file includes the activeVCX license key file.A restore operation reinstalls the license key file if the system'smachine identifier matches the machine identifier in the backup file. Ifthe machine identifiers do not match, the restore operation will notattempt to reinstall the license key and will generate a warning if nocurrent license key is found. This case typically occurs if the backup fileis restored to different hardware as part of a recovery operation, inwhich case a new license key will be required.CAUTION: VCX configuration backup files may contain sensitiveinformation and should be stored in a manner that ensures access only byauthorized individuals.Backup and RestoreConsiderationsNote the following considerations when backing up and restoring a VCXconfiguration:■ Database content (provisioning and voicemail databases) is notconsidered part of the VCX configuration and is not included in abackup file. To completely backup your VCX system, you shouldbackup database content as well as VCX configuration data.■ See Chapter 5 for information on backing up the provisioning datastored in the VCX Authentication and Directory server database.■ See the IP Messaging Operations and System Administration Guidefor information on backing up voicemail and other IP Messagingdata.When restoring a system, restore the VCX configuration backup first,then restore the database and IP Messaging backups.■ You cannot back up configuration data from one version of VCX andrestore that data to a different version of VCX. That is, you cannotback up a VCX configuration, upgrade VCX software, and then try to