Note:The following components are always required to construct a working unit and must beordered separately:• BDCL filter module(s). One filter module is needed for each R8i converter module. SeeBDCL filters (page 94) and Type equivalence table on the technical data.• BCU control unit kit. For the contents of the kit, see Control unit (page 96).• Fiber optic cables (page 97).• Quick connectors, one kit per each converter or filter module (3AUA0000119227). Forthe contents of the kit, see Electrical installation accessories (page 103).The other parts listed• may be required by the application, or• make the installation or use of the module easier.BDCL filtersL-filterFrame sizeDC/DC converterunit typeACS880-1604LC-… Ordering codeQtyType3AXD500003326871BDCL-14LC-7R8i0400A-73AXD500003326871BDCL-14LC-7R8i0500A-73AUA00001908731BDCL-15LC-7R8i0600A-73AUA00001908731BDCL-15LC-7R8i0700A-73AUA00001908731BDCL-15LC-7R8i0800A-73AUA00001908731BDCL-15LC-7R8i0900A-73AXD500003326872BDCL-14LC-72×R8i1000A-73AUA00001908732BDCL-15LC-72×R8i1200A-73AUA00001908732BDCL-15LC-72×R8i1400A-73AUA00001908732BDCL-15LC-72×R8i1600A-73AUA00001908732BDCL-15LC-72×R8i1800A-794 Ordering information