Control panelThe control panel is not included with the module but must be ordered separately. Onecontrol panel is required for the commissioning of an ACS880 drive system, even if the Drivecomposer PC tool is used.The control panel can be flush mounted on the cabinet door with the help of a door mountingkit. For more information on the control panel, see ACX-AP-x assistant control panels user’smanual (3AUA0000085685 [English]).IllustrationOrdering codeDescriptionType3AXD50000025965Control panel with BluetoothACS-AP-W114 Ordering information Control panelThe control panel is not included with the supply module but must be ordered separately.One control panel is required for the commissioning of an ACS880 drive system, even ifthe Drive composer PC tool is used.The control panel can be flush mounted on the cabinet door with the help of a doormounting kit. For more information on the control panel, see ACX-AP-x assistant controlpanels user’s manual (3AUA0000085685 [English]). For the dimension drawing, seesection DPMP-01 door mounting kit on page 159.The kit contains:• front cover• flat cable (between DDPI-01 board and the panel)• DDPI-01 board, cover and M4×8 combi screw for the cover• EMC shield• control panel mounting platform• grounding wire• Ethernet cable (3 m).DPMP-01 mounting platform for ACS-AP control panel installation guide[3AUA0000100140 (English)].Type Description Ordering code IllustrationACS-AP-W Control panel withBluetooth 3AXD50000025965DPMP-01 Door mounting kit(IP55) 3AUA00001088783AUA0000108878Door mounting kit (IP55)DPMP-01The door mounting kit contains:• front cover• flat cable (between DDPI-01 board and the panel)• DDPI-01 board, cover and M4×8 combi screw for the cover• EMC shield• control panel mounting platform• grounding wire• Ethernet cable (3 m).• DPMP-01 mounting platform for ACS-AP control panel installation guide[3AUA0000100140 (English)].Ordering information 95