Appendix: IdentResponse Frame81ProductCode prdc Reports the CNís Product Code, index.(NMT_IdentityObject_REC.ProductCode_U32)RevisionNumber mo Reports the CNís Revision Number.(NMT_IdentityObject_REC.RevisionNo_U32)SerialNumber sno Reports the CNís Serial Number.(NMT_IdentityObject_REC.SerialNo_U32)VendorSpecificExtension1vex1 May be used for vendor specific purpose, to be filled withzeros if not in use.VerifyConfigurationDatevcd Reports the CNís Configuration date(CFM_VerifyConfiguration_REC.ConfDate_U32)VerifyConfigurationTimevct Reports the CNís Configuration time.(CFM_VerifyConfiguration_REC.ConfTime_U32)ApplicationSWDate ad Reports the CNís Application SW date.(PDL_LocVerApplSw_REC.ApplSwDate onprogrammable device or date portion ofNMT_ManufactSwVers_VS on non-programmabledevice)ApplicationSWTime at Reports the CNís Application SW date.(PDL_LocVerApplSw_REC.ApplSwTime onprogrammable device or time portion ofNMT_ManufactSwVers_VS on non-programmabledevice)IPAddress ipa Reports the current IP address value of the CN.(NWL_IpAddrTable_Xh_REC.Addr_IPAD)SubnetMask snm Reports the current IP subnet mask value of the CN.(NWL_IpAddrTable_Xh_REC.NetMask_IPAD)DefaultGateway gtw Reports the current IP default gateway value of the CN.(NWL_IpAddrTable_Xh_REC.DefGateway_IPAD)HostName hn Reports the current DNS host name of the CN.(NMT_HostName_VSTR)VendorSpecificExtension2vex2 May be used for vendor specific purpose, to be filled withzeros if not in use.Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: - Email: