ADJ Products, LLC - - Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R Instruction Manual Page 14remember that DMX cable must be daisy chained and cannot be split.Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R Set UpNotice: Be sure to follow figures two and three when making your owncables. Do not use the ground lug on the XLR connector. Do not con-nect the cable’s shield conductor to the ground lug or allow the shieldconductor to come in contact with the XLR’s outer casing. Groundingthe shield could cause a short circuit and erratic behavior.DMX512 IN3-PIN XLRSOUNDREMOTECONTROLINPUTPOWERINPUT OUTPUT SOUNDREMOTECONTROLINPUTPOWERINPUT OUTPUT SOUNDDMX512DMX+,DMX-,COMMON123Termination redavoids signaland interferencto connect a DM120 Ohm 1/4 Wand PIN 3 (DM123123DMX +DMX -COMMONDMX512 OUT3-PIN XLRFigure 2Figure 31 Ground 1 GroundXLR Male Socket XLR Pin Configuration3 Hot2 Cold 2 Cold3 HotXLR Female SocketPin 3 = Data True (positive)Pin 2 = Data Compliment (negative)Pin 1 = GroundSpecial Note: Line Termination. When longer runs of cable areused, you may need to use a terminator on the last unit to avoid erraticbehavior. A terminator is a 110-120 ohm 1/4 watt resistor which is con-nected between pins 2 and 3 of a male XLR connector (DATA + andDATA -). This unit is inserted in the female XLR connector of the lastunit in your daisy chain to terminate the line. Using a cable terminator(ADJ part number Z-DMX/T) will decrease the possibilities of erraticbehavior.DMX512 IN3-PIN XLRSOUNDREMOTECONTROLINPUTPOWERINPUT OUTPUT SOUNDREMOTECONTROLINPUTPOWERINPUT OUTPUT SOUNDREMOTECONTROLINPUTPOWERINPUT OUTPUTDMX512DMX+,DMX-,COMMON123Termination reduces signal e rrors andavoids signal transmission problemsand interference. It is always advisableto connect a DMX terminal, (Resistance120 Ohm 1/4 W) between PIN 2 (DMX-)and PIN 3 (DMX +) of the last fixture.123123DMX +DMX -COMMONDMX512 OUT3-PIN XLRFigure 4ADJ Products, LLC - - Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R Instruction Manual Page 45Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R 10 Channel DMX ModeChannel Value Function10 LAMP ON/OFF, RESET & PROGRAMS30 - 39 COLOR & GOBO CHANGE TO ANYPOSITION40 - 59 LAMP ON60 - 79 LAMP OFF80 - 84 ALL MOTOR RESET85 - 87 SCAN MOTOR RESET88 - 90 COLOR MOTOR RESET91 - 93 GOBO MOTOR RESET94 - 96 SHUTTER/DIMMER MOTOR RESET97 - 99 OTHER MOTOR RESET100 - 119 INTERNAL PROGRAM 1120 - 139 INTERNAL PROGRAM 2140 - 159 INTERNAL PROGRAM 3160 - 179 INTERNAL PROGRAM 4180 - 199 INTERNAL PROGRAM 5200 - 219 INTERNAL PROGRAM 6220 - 239 INTERNAL PROGRAM 7240 - 255 SOUND ACTIVE PROGRAM