ADJ Products, LLC - - Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R Instruction Manual Page 30Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R System MenuUP or DOWN buttons so that “Personality” is highlighted, then pressENTER.2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons until “Service Settings” is dis-played, press ENTER.3. Press UP or DOWN buttons, until “Password” is displayed, andpress ENTER.4. The “Password” is 050.5. Press ENTER or press MODE/ESC to exit.RDM PID - RDM stands for “Remote Device Management”. Thisfeature lets you control every aspect of your fixture remotely from anRDM controller. Manual settings like adjusting the DMX address areno longer needed. This is especially useful when the unit is installedin a remote area.In this submenu you can see the units RDM ID number and adjust itas well.1. Press the MODE/ESC button to access the main menu. Press theUP or DOWN buttons so that “Personality” is highlighted, then pressENTER.2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons until “Service Settings” is dis-played, press ENTER.3. Press UP or DOWN buttons, until “RDM PID” is displayed, andpress ENTER.4. “XXXXXX” will be displayed. “XXXXXX” represents the units currentRDM ID.5. Press ENTER or press MODE/ESC to exit.Fans ControlAuto Fan Speed - With this function you can adjust the speed of therunning fans.1. Press the MODE/ESC button to access the main menu. Press theUP or DOWN buttons so that “Personality” is highlighted, then pressENTER.Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R System MenuADJ Products, LLC - - Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R Instruction Manual Page 29Mic Sensitivity - With this function you can set the microphonesensitivity. The default setting is 70%. You can adjust the sensitivitybetween 0%-99%1. Press the MODE/ESC button to access the main menu. Press theUP or DOWN buttons so that “Personality” is highlighted, then pressENTER.2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons until “Status Setting” is dis-played, press ENTER.3. Press UP or DOWN buttons, until “Mic Sensitivity” is displayed,and press ENTER.4. “70%” will be displayed, use the UP and DOWN buttons to adjustthe sensitivity between 0%-99%.5. Press ENTER to confirm your selection or press MODE/ESC toexit.Hibernation - With this function the lamp and step motors will poweroff if there is no DMX signal within 15 mins (factory defualt). Once itreceives a DMX signal, the fixture will reset itself.1. Press the MODE/ESC button to access the main menu. Press theUP or DOWN buttons so that “Personality” is highlighted, then pressENTER.2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons until “Status Setting” is dis-played, press ENTER.3. Press UP or DOWN buttons, until “Hibernation” is displayed, andpress ENTER.4. “15M” will be displayed, use the UP and DOWN buttons to adjustthe hibernation period between 01M-99M or “Off”.5. Press ENTER to confirm your selection or press MODE/ESC toexit.Service SettingPassword - With this function you can enter the RDM password sothat you can access and change the RDM ID number.1. Press the MODE/ESC button to access the main menu. Press the