Baking results Possible cause RemedyThe cake bakes un‐evenly.The oven temperature is toohigh and the baking time istoo short.Next time set a longer baking timeand lower oven temperature.The cake batter is not even‐ly distributed.Next time spread the cake batterevenly on the baking tray.The cake is not ready inthe baking time speci‐fied in a recipe.The oven temperature is toolow.Next time set a slightly higheroven temperature.11.5 Conventional Baking - Top OvenFood Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf posi‐tionBiscuits 170 - 190 10 - 20 2Bread 200 - 220 30 - 35 2Bread rolls / buns 200 - 220 10 - 15 2Cakes: Victoria Sandwich 160 - 170 18 - 25 2Cakes: Madeira 140 - 150 75 - 90 2Cakes: Rich Fruit 140 - 150 120 - 150 2Cakes: Gingerbread 140 - 150 80 - 90 2Cakes: Meringues 90 - 100 150 - 180 2Cakes: Flapjack 160 - 170 25 - 30 2Casseroles: Beef / Lamb 160 - 170 150 - 180 2Casseroles: Chicken 160 - 180 80 - 90 2Convenience Foods Follow manufacturer`s instructions. 2Fish 170 - 190 20 - 30 2Fish Pie (Potato Topped) 190 - 200 20 - 30 2Fruit Pies, Crumbles 190 - 200 30 - 50 2Milk Puddings 150 - 170 90 - 120 2Pasta Lasagne etc. 170 - 180 40 - 50 2Pastry: Choux 180 - 190 30 - 40 2Pastry: Eclairs, Profiteroles 180 - 190 30 - 40 2Pastry: Flaky / Puff Pies 210 - 220 30 - 40 2Shortcrusts: Mince Pies 190 - 200 15 - 20