6-2AAA-130SA Series Installation and Hardware GuideInstalling Adaptec CI/O Management SoftwareFollow these steps to install the software:Note: Before you start the Adaptec CI/O Management Soft-ware, be sure that communication with the server via thenetwork is already established. As long as communication isestablished, it is not a requirement to log-on to the server toinstall the software and to monitor the server via the net-work. (See the documentation provided with your TCP/IPor SPX/IPX software for instructions on establishing com-munications, and also Hints for Establishing CommunicationsWith Your Server on page 6-3.)1 Start Windows on the client.2 Insert the Adaptec CI/O Management Software CD-ROM inyour CD-ROM drive.3 Select Run from the File menu (Windows 95 and NT usersselect Start, and then Run), type the following and press Enter.x:\win_client\disk1\setup.exewherex is the CD-ROM drive letter.4 Follow the directions that appear on the screen.During installation you will be prompted to enter the hostname of the client PC. If you do not know the host name, youcan add the information later by inserting a line in theautoexec.bat file. Instructions for this step appear on the screenduring installation.See the Adaptec CI/O Management Software User’s Guide for informa-tion on using the Adaptec CI/O Management Software to add,delete, or manage your arrays from the remote client.