User’s ManualUsing the Direct Scan Mode 515.5.3 Deleting a Current Profile1. On the [Profile Manager] dialog box, choose the profile you want to delete andthen click the [Delete] button. A [Confirmation] dialog box appears.2. Click [OK] to delete the selected profile.5.6 Managing Your DestinationThe section explains how to add, edit, or delete your destination to send your scannedimage.5.6.1 Adding a New DestinationTo add a new destination, follow these steps:1. Right-click the button (function) on the [Direct Scan] panel, the [ScanSettings] window appears.2. On the [Destination] option, click [Change] to choose your desireddestination/application from the destination list.DESTINATION DESCRIPTIONMicrosoft Excel Select this button when you want to edit the text on yourdocument in an Excel file. Text recognition is performed on thescanned image data which is then converted to an Excel file.