User’s ManualUsing the Direct Scan Mode 565Printer ConfigurationsThese options apply to the Destination named Printer. The Printer Configurationallows you to select your printer and set the print settings.a. If you do not want to print your images from the default printer, select theprinter you want to use from the list. Click Properties to prompt theProperties dialog box to change your desired print settings and click OK tocomplete and close the dialog box.b. Click Options to show the Options dialog box. Delete files after printing—to delete the files (the scanned images) afterprinting is finished. Auto Color Detection—Choose to automatically detect the image type ofthe scanned image and print the images according to the image type. Forexample, if the scanned image is color, the image will be printed in color ifthe specified printer is a color printer; if the scanned image is black andwhite, the image will be printed in black and white. Duplex Printing (for duplex printer only)—Choose to print the scannedimages in both the front and rear side of a page. This option will be availableonly if the specified printer supports duplex (double-sided) printing. Print two images on the same page—Choose to print two images on thesame side of a sheet. This option is useful when you wish to print the frontand rear side of your original such as ID card or driver license on the samepage. If you have purchased a duplex scanner, use this option to print twosides of your original in one side of a sheet.