User’s ManualUsing the Direct Scan Mode 57c. Click OK to complete and close the dialog box.Easy Mail ConfigurationsThese options apply to the Destination named Easy Mail. By specifying yourrecipient and subject in advance, the Easy Mail Configuration allows you to sendthe scanned image directly to an already selected recipient with a single click.1. On the E-mail tab,- Enter the e-mail address of the sender and recipient.- Type your subject and message on the Subject field and Message field.- If desired, enter the e-mail address of the CC and BCC field.2. Click the “SMTP” tab to display the SMTP dialog box.- SMTP Server: Enter the IP address of your SMTP server.- Port: Enter the port number of your SMTP server. Default: 25- If the SMTP server requires authentication, check “Server requiresauthentication” and then enter your account name and password.- If there is a file size limitation, enter the limited value on the “FileSeparation” field. 53. You may search your e-mail address of “To”, “CC”, and “BCC” field fromthe LDAP server by clicking the “Address Book” tab to display the LDAPdialog box.