User’s ManualUsing the Direct Scan Mode 63Proxy is selected, enter your IP address and port number of your Proxy server.Enter user name and password if required. You can check with your networkadministrator for the details.4. Click OK to complete. You can click Test to try if the account works.Google Drive ConfigurationsThese options apply to the Destination named Google Drive. The Google Driveconfigurations allow you to enter your login name and password information forsending your scanned images to Google Drive.1. Input your account, password and folder information.Convert files to the corresponding Google Drive formats:Check this option to convert uploaded files to a Google document.File formats such as JPEG, GIF, or PNG can be converted to a Googledocument.2. Click the Proxy tab to display the following Proxy dialog box.3. Select your Proxy server to be Auto Detect or Specify Proxy. If SpecifyProxy is selected, enter your IP address and port number of your Proxy server.Enter user name and password if required. You can check with your networkadministrator for the details.4. Click OK to complete. You can click Test to try if the account works.5