User’s ManualMobile Scanning 846.4.6 The Security PageThe [Security] page provides the following authentication mode (security protocol)Choice: Disable, WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK.Choice for the encryption protocols includes TKIP, AES.AUTHENTICATION(SECURITY)METHODENCRYPTION METHODDisable NoneWEP WEPUp to four WEP key can be set. Type your WEP in the field andthen click [Apply] to complete.WPA-PSK Choice: TKIP/AESType your desired pass phrase in the [Pass Phrase] field andthen click [Apply] to complete.WPA2-PSK Choice: TKIP/AES(Pass Phrase: 12345678)You may change your [Pass Phrase] by entering the new passphrase in the field and then click [Apply] to complete.