User’s ManualUsing the Direct Scan Mode 545NOTETo accurately send your scanned image over the network, you needto setup your computer in an internet environment and install thenecessary software applications such as E-mail software, or printerbefore installing PaperAir Manager.To send your scanned images to a network server such as FTP,Microsoft SharePoint, Evernote, Dropbox, Facebook, Office 365, orGoogle Drive, you need to setup your computer in an internetenvironment and make sure you have the privilege to access thenetwork server. For example you need to create a login name andpassword first.Microsoft .NET Framework: To accurately send your scannedimages to a network server, Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higheris required. (Check the program and the version by choosingStart>Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs. A list of programswill be displayed. If you have installed Microsoft .NET Framework,the program and the version will be shown in the list.).Google Drive: Google provides a document hosting, managementand editing service called Google Drive to every user that has signedup for an account at Google web site ( SharePoint: Microsoft SharePoint is a collaboration anddocument library tool developed by Microsoft for file sharing andweb publishing. You may need to contact your system administratorto get the correct URL for the SharePoint server. Your systemadministrator will also give you access to the SharePoint and a validuser login and password.