User’s ManualUsing the Direct Scan Mode 685Scan to App ConfigurationsThese options apply to the Destination named [Scan to App]. The [Scan toApp] Configuration allows you to specify your desired destination application tosend the scanned image to the application.Click thisbutton tobrowse to theexecutable filefor theapplication.1. You can use the following ways to add a new software application:If the software application is pre-installed on your computer, prior toinstalling PaperAir Manager, the PaperAir Manager will automatically searchfor the image-editing software application on your computer and display itin the Application List. Choose the application you want to add from theApplication List. The application path will be shown in the File Path field.OrEnter the Application path or browse to the application’s executable file(e.g. the *.exe file of that software application, for example,D:\f\phoshop8\Photoshop\Photoshop.exe).OrBrowse to the application’s executable file in Windows Explorer and drag the*.exe file into the “File Path” field.2. Choose the OK button to save the settings and leave the Configurationdialog box.