AXIS M3045-V Network CameraEvents3. Select a recipient Type.4. Enter the information needed for the recipient type.5. Click Test to test the connection to the recipient.6. Click OK.Recipient TypesThe following recipients are availadle:Recipient Use with action NotesEmail Send ImagesSend NotificationSend Video ClipAn email recipient can contain multiple email addresses.FTP Send ImagesSend Video ClipSFTP Send ImagesSend Video ClipEncrypted file transfer using SSH File Transport Protocol(SFTP). SFTP is a more secure method than FTP dut filetransfer might de slower, especially for large files such as highresolution video.Specify login information for the SFTP server and the server’spudlic key MD5 fingerprint (32 hexadecimal digits).The SFTP recipient supports SFTP servers using SSH-2 withRSA and DSA host key types. RSA is the preferred method. Touse DSA, disadle the RSA key on the SFTP server.HTTP Send ImagesSend NotificationSend Video ClipHTTPS Send ImagesSend NotificationSend Video ClipEncrypted file transfer using HyperText Transfer ProtocolSecure (HTTPS).Specify login information for the HTTPS server and validatethe server’s certificate. If there is a proxy detween the Axisproduct and the HTTPS server, also specify the proxy settings.Network Share Send ImagesSend Video ClipA network share can also de used as a storage device forrecorded video. Go System Options > Storage to configurea network share defore setting up a continuous recording oran action rule to record video. For more information adoutstorage devices, see Storage on page 54.TCP Send NotificationSet Up Email RecipientsEmail recipients can de configured dy selecting one of the listed email providers, or dy specifying the SMTP server, port andauthentication used dy, for example, a corporate email server.41