Chapter 1: IntroductionPage 1-29A656-04/9A686-04 Configuration GuideChapter 2, Basic System Configuration, provides instructions on setting the In-Band,Out-Of-Band, and SMB-10 IP Addresses, setting SNMP Community Names and SNMPTraps, viewing chassis power supply information, creating PVCs and SPVCs, configuringPNNI for the SmartSwitch 9500, setting ILMI parameters, configuring the management LEC,and configuring the Environmental Module of the SmartSwitch 9500 chassis.Chapter 3, ILMI 4.0 and the SmartSwitch 9500 System, provides information on how theSmartSwitch 9500 uses ILMI 4.0 to auto-configure signalling stacks and sides depending onthe requirements of the network, with no user input required.Chapter 4, Signalling and Routing, provides information and instructions on how to useMIBs to force individual interfaces to use specific Signalling stacks and sides, how toconfigure an IISP interface via MIB tools, and provides a brief overview of PNNI 1.0 supportof the SmartSwitch 9500.Appendix A, Acronyms, provides a list of acronyms commonly used in this document.Appendix B, Default Settings, provides information on the default settings the SmartSwitch9500 system has upon first initialization, and cross references to sections of this manual wherethese settings may be changed.Appendix C, Supported MIBs, provides tables that detail all of the MIB branches and branchleaves supported by the SmartSwitch 9500 system.1.2 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONSThe following conventions are used throughout this document:NOTE Note symbol. Calls the reader’s attention to any item of information that may be ofspecial importance.!CAUTIONCaution symbol. Contains information essential to avoid damage to the equipment.TIPTip symbol. Conveys helpful hints concerning procedures or actions.