Chapter 5: Local Management5-60DLEHF-MA User’s GuideFigure 5-22 Switch Configuration ScreenThe following describes each field of the Switch Configuration screen:Switch Address (Read-Only)Displays the MAC address of the switch.Number of Ports (Read-Only)Displays the total number of switched ports on the module.Type of STA (Selectable)Allows the user to set the method that switches use to decide whichswitch is the controlling (Root) switch when two or more switches exist inparallel (Spanning Tree Algorithm). Valid entries include IEEE, DEC,and NONE. To set the STA, refer to Section 5.18.1.Age Time (Modifiable)Allows the user to set the amount of time (in seconds) the DLEHF-MAwill keep an address in its switch table before discarding it. The moduleswill discard an address from their switch table if they do not receive avalid packet from the applicable address in the amount of time specifiedin the Age Time field. To change the Age Time field from the defaultvalue of 300 seconds, refer to Section 5.18.2.Firmware Revision: XX.XX.XXSwitch Configuration236229BOOTPROM Revision: XX.XX.XXPort #12345678StatelearninglisteningblockingdisabledlisteninglisteninglisteninglisteningModule Type: DLEHF-MASlot Number:XMS 700 LOCAL MANAGEMENTEvent Message LineRETURNSAVEMAC Address00-00-1D-00-00-0000-00-1D-00-00-0100-00-1D-00-00-0200-00-1D-00-00-0300-00-1D-00-00-0400-00-1D-00-00-0500-00-1D-00-00-0600-00-1D-00-00-07Status[ENABLED][ENABLED][ENABLED][DISABLED][ENABLED][ENABLED][ENABLED][ENABLED]Switch Address: 00-00-1D-00-00-00Number of Ports: 8Type of STA: [IEEE]EXITAge Time (sec): 300