Introduction to SPMA for the TSX-16201-6Getting HelpWhenever possible, we will instruct you on which mouse button to employ;however, menu buttons within SPMA applications will operate according to theconvention employed by the active windowing system. By convention, menubuttons under the Motif windowing environment are activated by clicking the leftmouse button (referred to as mouse button 1 in SPMA documentation), and thereis no response to clicking the right button (mouse button 3). UnderOpenWindows, menu buttons can be activated by clicking the right button, andconvention dictates that the left button activates a default menu option; withinSPMA, that default option will also display the entire menu. Because of thisdifference, references to activating a menu button will not include instructionsabout which mouse button to use. All other panels from which menus can beaccessed, and all buttons which do not provide access to menus, will operateaccording to SPMA convention, as documented.Getting HelpIf you need additional support related to SPMA, or if you have any questions,comments, or suggestions related to this manual, contact Cabletron SystemsTechnical Support. Before calling, please have the following information ready:• The product name and part number• The version number of the program that you need help with. SPMA ismodular, which means each application will have a specific revision number.Where applicable, an INFO button provides the version number; you can alsoview the version number for any application by typing the command to startthe application followed by a -v.You can contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support by any of the followingmethods:By phone: Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 8 PMEastern Standard Time at (603) 332-9400.By mail: Cabletron Systems, Inc.PO Box 5005Rochester, NH 03866-5005By CompuServe® : GO CTRON from any ! promptBy Internet mail: support@ctron.comFTP ( anonymousPassword your email addressBy BBS: (603) 335-3358Modem Setting 8N1: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity