Using the Hub View2-5Using the TSX-1620 Hub ViewClicking mouse button 1 on the Quit button closes all Hub View applicationwindows; any open applications which can also be accessed from the commandline or from the icon menu will remain open.Using the Mouse in the TSX-1620 Hub ViewEach of the TSX-1620’s ports will be displayed in the hub view; use the mouse asindicated in the illustration in the following diagram (Figure 2-3) to accessModule, Interface/Bridge, and Bridge Port menus and functions.Figure 2-3. Mousing Around the TSX-1620 Hub ViewModule TypeClick button 3 to display the Modulemenu.Port Display FormClick button 3 to display either theInterface or Bridge menu, dependingon the application display modecurrently in effect. See The TSX-1620Application Displays, on page 2-6,for details on the application displaymodes.Using the Interface or Bridge menus,you can change the port display formshown in the Port Status boxes to anyone of the following:- Oper Status- Type- Speed- Interface Number- MIB-II Statistics- Admin (Bridge)- Tp Frames Forwarded- Tp Frames Filtered- Sr Frames Forwarded- Bridge Port Number.When you change the port displayform, the text in this box will change toreflect the chosen form. See PortDisplay Form, later in this chapter, fordetails.Module IndexClick button 3 to display the Modulemenu.Port StatusThe Port Status display changes withthe type of port display formatselected. Statistical selections displayvalues in a statistic/ second format.Load displays traffic as a percentageof theoretical maximum capacity. Clickbutton 3 to display the Bridge Portmenu when you are viewing theBridge application display mode. SeeThe TSX-1620 Application Displays,on page 2-6, for details on theapplication display modes.Port IndexClick button 3 to display the BridgePort menu when you are viewing theBridge application display mode. SeeThe TSX-1620 Application Displays,on page 2-6, for details on theapplication display modes.