Managing the Device2-29Using the TSX-1620 Hub View3. In the Hour selection list, select one or more hours of the day for which youwish to enable or disable one or more TSX-1620 ports. Hour number 0represents 12:00 am.4. In the Status selection list, select Enable to enable the specified port or portsduring the specified time period(s). Select Disable to disable the specifiedport or ports during the specified time period(s).5. Click on . Your TSX-1620 port security settings will be applied to thedevice, and the specified restrictions will be enacted during the appropriatetime period(s).Clicking on the Clear button will deselect any selections you have made in theConfigure Restrictions window.Viewing the Interface ListThe Interface List option in the Interface menu displays a list of each of the TSX-1620’s interface (port) numbers and their associated MAC addresses. Remember,to use the Interface menu, the TSX-1620 application display must be in theInterface mode. To display the Interface List window from the Hub View:1. Click in the Port Display Form text box to display the Interface menu (refer toFigure 2-3).2. Drag down to Interface List, and release.Figure 2-17. The Interface List Window