Using the TSX-1620 Bridge View3-4Accessing the Bridge Traffic View WindowThe community name you use to start the Bridge application must have at leastRead access; for full management functionality, you should use a communityname that provides Read/Write or Superuser access. For more information oncommunity names, see Defining Community Names in Chapter 2, Using theTSX-1620 Hub View, the appropriate Installing and Using SPECTRUM, and/or the Community Names chapter in the SPMA Tools Guide.The Bridge Traffic View is the heart of the Bridge application. The first window toappear when you start the Bridge application, it contains a status display of thedevice’s bridge interfaces and contains the buttons and menus that provide accessto all bridge monitoring and management functions.Navigating Through the Bridge Traffic ViewWithin the Bridge Traffic View, you can click mouse buttons in different areas ofthe window to initiate management tasks. The following diagram shows you howto display the Bridge Traffic View Device and Port menus.NOTESThe spmarun script invoked first in the above command temporarily sets the environmentvariables SPMA needs to operate; be sure to use this command any time you launch anapplication from the command line. This script is automatically invoked when you launchan application from the icon menu or from within the Bridge TrafficView.If there is a hostname mapped to your bridging device’s IP address, you can use in place of to launch the Bridge View. Please note, however,that the hostname is not the same as the device name which can be assigned via LocalManagement and/or SPMA; you cannot use the device name in place of the IP address.