BATTERY VOLTSThis display shows the current battery voltage. If thevoltage is in the normal range, the value will display.For example, the display may read 13.2 BATTERYVOLTS. If the voltage is low, the display will have LOWafter it. If the voltage is high, the display will have HIGHafter it. Your vehicle's charging system regulatesvoltage based on the state of the battery. The batteryvoltage may fluctuate when viewing this information onthe DIC. This is normal. See Charging System Light onpage 4‑57 for more information.If there is a problem with the battery charging system,the DIC may display a message. See DIC Warningsand Messages on page 4‑76 and Electric PowerManagement on page 4‑37 for more information.Tire PressureThis display shows the pressure for each tire in eitherpounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kPa). If thetire pressure is normal, the value will display. If the tirepressure is low, LOW will appear on the display with thevalue. See Inflation - Tire Pressure on page 6‑60 andDIC Warnings and Messages on page 4‑76 for moreinformation. Press the information button to scrollthrough the following displays:LF TIRE : This display shows the pressure in the driverside front tire.RF TIRE : This display shows the pressure in thepassenger side front tire.LR TIRE : This display shows the pressure in thedriver side rear tire.RR TIRE : This display shows the pressure in thepassenger side rear tire.If the tire pressure display shows dashes instead of avalue, there may be a problem with your vehicle. If thisconsistently occurs, see your dealer/retailer for service.ENGINE OIL LIFEIf your vehicle has this display, it shows the estimatedoil life remaining. If you see 99% ENGINE OIL LIFE onthe display, that means that 99% of the current oil liferemains.When the oil life is depleted, the CHANGE ENGINE OILSOON message will appear on the display. Change theoil as soon as possible. In addition to the engine oil lifesystem monitoring the oil life, additional maintenance isrecommended in the Maintenance Schedule in thismanual. See Scheduled Maintenance on page 7‑3and Engine Oil on page 6‑18.After an oil change, reset the ENGINE OIL LIFE display.To reset, see Engine Oil Life System on page 6‑21.The display will show 100% ENGINE OIL LIFE after ithas been reset. Also clear the CHANGE ENGINE OILSOON message from the display.4-74