4. With the coolant surge tank pressure cap off, startthe engine and let it run until you can feel theupper radiator hose getting hot. The upper radiatorhose is the largest of the hoses which comes outof the radiator, on the passenger side of thevehicle. Watch out for the engine cooling fans.By this time, the coolant level inside the coolantsurge tank may be lower. If the level is lower, addmore of the proper mixture to the coolant surgetank until the level reaches the FULL COLD/FROIDline on the side of the coolant surge tank.5. Then replace the pressure cap. Be sure thepressure cap is hand-tight and fully seated.Start the engine and allow it to warm up.Engine OverheatingThe vehicle has several indicators to warn of engineoverheating.There are two engine hot messages that could bedisplayed in the Driver Information Center (DIC).See DIC Warnings and Messages on page 4‑76DIC Warnings and Messages for more information.If the engine is overheating, then you will find a coolanttemperature gage and a coolant warning light on theinstrument panel. See Engine Coolant TemperatureGage on page 4‑61 and Engine Coolant TemperatureWarning Light on page 4‑61 for more information.You may decide not to lift the hood when this warningappears, but instead get service help right away.See Roadside Service on page 8‑8.If you do decide to lift the hood , make sure the vehicleis parked on a level surface.Then check to see if the engine cooling fans arerunning. If the engine is overheating, both fans shouldbe running. If they are not, do not continue to run theengine and have the vehicle serviced.Notice: Engine damage from running your enginewithout coolant is not covered by your warranty.See Overheated Engine Protection Operating Modeon page 6‑34 for information on driving to a safeplace in an emergency.Notice: If the engine catches fire while drivingwith no coolant, the vehicle can be badly damaged.The costly repairs would not be covered by thevehicle warranty. See Overheated Engine ProtectionOperating Mode on page 6‑34 for information ondriving to a safe place in an emergency.6-32