Black plate (20,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 4/18/129-20 Driving and OperatingStarting Procedure1. With your foot off the acceleratorpedal, turn the ignition key toSTART. If the vehicle has thekeyless access system, push theignition control knob in androtate the knob to the STARTposition. When the engine starts,let go of the ignition. The idlespeed will go down as yourengine gets warm. Do not racethe engine immediately afterstarting it. Operate the engineand transmission gently to allowthe oil to warm up and lubricateall moving parts.The vehicle has aComputer-Controlled CrankingSystem. This feature assists instarting the engine and protectscomponents. If the ignition key isturned to the START position,and then released when theengine begins cranking, theengine will continue cranking fora few seconds or until thevehicle starts. If the engine doesnot start and the key is held inSTART for many seconds,cranking will be stopped after15 seconds to prevent crankingmotor damage. To prevent geardamage, this system alsoprevents cranking if the engineis already running. Enginecranking can be stopped byturning the ignition switch toACC/ACCESSORY orLOCK/OFF.When first starting the vehicle,the engine idle speed will beelevated to allow the catalyticconverter, an emissions controldevice, to quickly reachoperating temperature. Afterapproximately 20 seconds, theengine will begin to transition toits normal, quieter idle speed,which can vary depending onthe temperature. This is normaloperation.Notice: Cranking the engine forlong periods of time, by returningthe key to the START positionimmediately after cranking hasended, can overheat and damagethe cranking motor, and drain thebattery. Wait at least 15 secondsbetween each try, to let thecranking motor cool down.2. If the engine does not start afterfive to 10 seconds, especially invery cold weather (below 0°F or−18°C), it could be flooded withtoo much gasoline. Try pushingthe accelerator pedal all the wayto the floor and holding it thereas you hold the key in STARTfor up to a maximum of15 seconds. Wait at least15 seconds between each try, toallow the cranking motor to cooldown. When the engine starts,let go of the key and accelerator.If the vehicle starts briefly butthen stops again, do the samething. This clears the extragasoline from the engine. Do notrace the engine immediatelyafter starting it. Operate theengine and transmission gentlyuntil the oil warms up andlubricates all moving parts.