Black plate (37,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual - 2011Instruments and Controls 5-37TIGHTEN GAS CAPThis message displays whenthe fuel cap has not been fullytightened. Recheck the fuel cap toensure that it is on and tightenedproperly.Key and Lock MessagesACCESSORY MODE ACTIVEIf the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, this messagedisplays when the accessory modeis active. See Ignition Positions (KeyAccess) on page 9‑17 or IgnitionPositions (Keyless Access) onpage 9‑18 for more information.ELECTRONIC KEY ALREADYKNOWNIf the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, this messagedisplays if you try to match atransmitter that has already beenlearned. See the Keyless Accessinformation for Remote KeylessEntry (RKE) System Operation (KeyAccess) on page 2‑5 or RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation (Keyless Access) onpage 2‑7 for more information.ELECTRONIC KEY NOTDETECTEDIf the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, this messagedisplays if the vehicle does notdetect the presence of a transmitterwhen you have attempted to startthe vehicle or a vehicle door hasjust closed. The following conditionsmay cause this message to appear:. Driver-added equipment pluggedinto the accessory power outleton the center console is causinginterference. Examples of thesedevices are cell phones and cellphone chargers, two-way radios,power inverters, or similar items.Try moving the keyless accesstransmitter away from thesedevices when starting thevehicle. In addition, PDA devicesand remote garage and gateopeners may also generateElectromagnetic Interference(EMI) that may interfere with thekeyless access transmitter. Donot carry the keyless accesstransmitter in the same pocket orbag as these devices.. The vehicle is experiencingElectromagnetic Interference(EMI). Some locations, such asairports, automatic toll booths,and some gas stations have EMIfields which may interfere withthe keyless access transmitter.InformationProvidedby: