Black plate (54,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Mid-East) - 20128-54 Driving and OperatingIf the vehicle has the 6.2LV8 engine, use premium unleadedgasoline with a posted octanerating of 95 RON or higher.For best performance, use premiumunleaded gasoline with a postedRON of 98. In an emergency, youcan use regular unleaded gasolinerated at 91 RON or higher. If 91RON fuel is used, do not performany aggressive driving maneuverssuch as wide open throttleapplications. You might alsohear audible spark knock duringacceleration. Refill the tank withpremium fuel as soon as possibleto avoid damaging the engine.If heavy knocking is heard whenusing gasoline rated at 91 RON orhigher, the engine needs service.Fuel AdditivesGasoline should contain detergentadditives that help prevent engineand fuel system deposits fromforming. Clean fuel injectors andintake valves will allow the emissioncontrol system to work properly.Some gasoline does not containsufficient quantities of additive tokeep fuel injectors and intake valvesclean. To make up for this lack ofdetergency, it is recommended thatGM Fuel System Treatment PLUS(GM Part No. 88861011) be addedto the fuel tank at every engineoil change or every 15 000 km,whichever occurs first.Gasolines containing oxygenates,such as ethers and ethanol, maybe available in your area. However,fuels containing more than 15%ethanol, such as E85 (85% ethanol),or more than 15% MTBE (an ether)should not be used in vehicles thatwere not designed for those fuels.See Recommended Fluids andLubricants on page 10‑7 for moreinformation.Notice: This vehicle was notdesigned for fuel that containsmethanol. Do not use fuelcontaining methanol. It cancorrode metal parts in the fuelsystem and also damage plasticand rubber parts. That damagewould not be covered under thevehicle warranty.Some gasolines can contain anoctane-enhancing additive calledmethylcyclopentadienyl manganesetricarbonyl (MMT); ask the attendantwhere you buy gasoline whether thefuel contains MMT. We recommendagainst the use of such gasolines.Fuels containing MMT can reducespark plug life and affect emissioncontrol system performance.The malfunction indicator lampmight turn on. If this occurs,return to your dealer for service.