Black plate (53,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Mid-East) - 2012Vehicle Care 9-53tire inflation pressure label, youshould determine the proper tireinflation pressure for those tires.)As an added safety feature, yourvehicle has been equipped with atire pressure monitoring system(TPMS) that illuminates a low tirepressure telltale when one or moreof your tires is significantlyunder‐inflated.Accordingly, when the low tirepressure telltale illuminates, youshould stop and check your tires assoon as possible, and inflate themto the proper pressure. Driving on asignificantly under‐inflated tirecauses the tire to overheat and canlead to tire failure. Under‐inflationalso reduces fuel efficiency and tiretread life, and may affect thevehicle's handling and stoppingability.Please note that the TPMS isnot a substitute for proper tiremaintenance, and it is the driver'sresponsibility to maintain correct tirepressure, even if under‐inflation hasnot reached the level to triggerillumination of the TPMS low tirepressure telltale.Your vehicle has also beenequipped with a TPMS malfunctionindicator to indicate when thesystem is not operating properly.The TPMS malfunction indicator iscombined with the low tire pressuretelltale. When the system detects amalfunction, the telltale will flash forapproximately one minute and thenremain continuously illuminated.This sequence will continue uponsubsequent vehicle start‐ups aslong as the malfunction exists.When the malfunction indicator isilluminated, the system may not beable to detect or signal low tirepressure as intended. TPMSmalfunctions may occur for a varietyof reasons, including the installationof replacement or alternate tires orwheels on the vehicle that preventthe TPMS from functioning properly.Always check the TPMS malfunctiontelltale after replacing one or moretires or wheels on your vehicle toensure that the replacement oralternate tires and wheels allow theTPMS to continue to functionproperly.See Tire Pressure MonitorOperation on page 9‑54 foradditional information.