Black plate (27,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Mid-East) - 2012Seats and Restraints 2-27Frontal airbags may inflate atdifferent crash speeds. Forexample:. If the vehicle hits a stationaryobject, the airbags could inflateat a different crash speed than ifthe vehicle hits a moving object.. If the vehicle hits an object thatdeforms, the airbags couldinflate at a different crash speedthan if the vehicle hits an objectthat does not deform.. If the vehicle hits a narrow object(like a pole), the airbags couldinflate at a different crash speedthan if the vehicle hits a wideobject (like a wall).. If the vehicle goes into an objectat an angle, the airbags couldinflate at a different crash speedthan if the vehicle goes straightinto the object.Thresholds can also vary withspecific vehicle design.Frontal airbags are not intended toinflate during vehicle rollovers, rearimpacts, or in many side impacts.In addition, the vehicle hasdual-stage frontal airbags.Dual-stage airbags adjust therestraint according to crash severity.Your vehicle has electronic frontalsensors, which help the sensingsystem distinguish between amoderate frontal impact and a moresevere frontal impact. For moderatefrontal impacts, dual-stage airbagsinflate at a level less than fulldeployment. For more severe frontalimpacts, full deployment occurs.The vehicle has seat-mountedside impact and roof-rail airbags.See Airbag System on page 2‑23.Seat-mounted side impact androof-rail airbags are intended toinflate in moderate to severe sidecrashes. In addition, these roof-railairbags are intended to inflateduring a rollover or in a severefrontal impact. Seat-mounted sideimpact and roof-rail airbags willinflate if the crash severity is abovethe system's designed thresholdlevel. The threshold level can varywith specific vehicle design.Roof-rail airbags are notintended to inflate in rear impacts.A seat-mounted side impact airbagis intended to deploy on the sideof the vehicle that is struck. Bothroof-rail airbags will deploy wheneither side of the vehicle is struck orif the sensing system predicts thatthe vehicle is about to roll over, or ina severe frontal impact.