Cadillac SRX Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9087647) - 2016 - crc - 5/4/15286 Vehicle CareThe Tire and LoadingInformation label on the vehicleindicates the original equipmenttires and the correct cold tireinflation pressures. Therecommended pressure is theminimum air pressure needed tosupport the vehicle's maximumload carrying capacity. SeeVehicle Load Limits 0 182.How the vehicle is loadedaffects vehicle handling and ridecomfort. Never load the vehiclewith more weight than it wasdesigned to carry.When to CheckCheck the tires once a month ormore. Do not forget the compactspare, if the vehicle has one.The cold compact spare tirepressure should be at 420 kPa(60 psi). See Compact SpareTire 0 313.How to CheckUse a good quality pocket-typegauge to check tire pressure.Proper tire inflation cannot bedetermined by looking at the tire.Check the tire inflation pressurewhen the tires are cold, meaningthe vehicle has not been drivenfor at least three hours or nomore than 1.6 km (1 mi).Remove the valve cap from thetire valve stem. Press the tiregauge firmly onto the valve toget a pressure measurement.If the cold tire inflation pressurematches the recommendedpressure on the Tire andLoading Information label, nofurther adjustment is necessary.If the inflation pressure is low,add air until the recommendedpressure is reached. If theinflation pressure is high, presson the metal stem in the centerof the tire valve to release air.Recheck the tire pressure withthe tire gauge.Put the valve caps back on thevalve stems to keep out dirt andmoisture and prevent leaks. Useonly valve caps designed for thevehicle by GM. TPMS sensorscould be damaged and wouldnot be covered by the vehiclewarranty.Tire Pressure forHigh-Speed Operation{ WarningDriving at high speeds, 160 km/h(100 mph) or higher, putsadditional strain on tires.Sustained high-speed drivingcauses excessive heat buildupand can cause sudden tire failure.This could cause a crash, andyou or others could be killed.Some high-speed rated tiresrequire inflation pressureadjustment for high-speedoperation. When speed limits androad conditions allow the vehicle(Continued)